MATEUS MATTEI is the name behind the Sons Of Eden project. He started the new project in mid-2016 and soon got support from KRAFTED, PRISMAT RECORDINGS and AMBER BLUE RECORDINGS. His productions seek melodies always marked by strong synths and percussions, transitioning from deep to techno. And when it comes to mixing, he believes that each track has its characteristics and the construction of the set varies from the feeling they choose to compose.
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50 Releases Anniversary
Heinrich & Heine, Javier de Baraja, KNIPP, Guided By Noises, TR20, Birkenlauber, Sons Of Eden, The Organism, Ben Muetsch, Vanita, Stereophonie, Savaggio, Dino Massimo, Diego Digital, Cut N Glue, Jaap Ligthart, Cuprite, Cosis, Parlando, Oelz/Poremba, FREYA (CH), Larm Wolke, QuiQui, Maurice Camplair, Erdem Yetim, Ian Bernier, Bykox, Porobo, Zauberakustik, L-EX, Frank Sonic
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