Majnoon is founded by KhaiKhan (Kayhan Yakarlar), the founder of Radio Istanbul (RIST) & Rist Records . Advancing with the motto of "music rising from the east"; the mission of the band is to translate the values and the immense culture it inherits from its homeland to contemporary life, and thus “to reach universality from locality.”All their performances are completely improvised, created at “the moment”, along with extremely talented musicians. Their soulful energies are condensed into sounds and melodies conveyed to the audience.Oriental, ethnic, and spiritual tones are often used in their performances.Striving to reflect the universality of music on stage, the group is presented under the name of ETHNIC UNIVERSE . Accompanying instruments include Ney ( Reed flute ) & Duduk, Clarinet, Qanun, Darbuka, Percussions, Balaban, Saxophone, Kabak Kemane, Cumbus, Baglama ,