Born in Bogota Colombia demonstrates their interest inelectronic sounds since 1997. From 2000 purchase theirfirst ep's, influenced by Adam Beyer, Christian Smith,Misstress Barbara, Oscar Mulero, Reeko and Carl Cox,T ECHNO makes her favorite genre which describes howintelligent music, in 2004 she joined the production world,experiencing nuances of Progressive, Tribal Techno andHard Techno some plasma which in September's andtrack's.
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The Best Tracks on Oxytech Records. Summer 2015
Xehex, Luca Miceli, Zesar Mar, Tawa Girl, Ekomatik, Gladyshev, Kr!st, AssaultDrum, VILEA, N-receptor, Freiheit, 2bee, Adrian Pitscher, Nikoretti, Sopik, Batteriebetrieb, End 519, Terra4beat, Neurofaza, Gastar-Ten, Schizophren, Daryl, Nick Laux, J Mancera, K-MEL, Pablo Logic, A.p.t.a, DarKo Vinni, Predator Tekno, Riccardo Sacceddu, Arlles Stic, EFTEK, Kirill Mator, Alex Five, K0r1n, Francesco Kationi, Carara, Mich.Beck, Kryptonit, Padgroove, Dual Fuel, Johnn Doctor, Robotron, Keif, Rotoloop, Matt Salou, Juan Trujillo, Minitronik, Alex Endo