Latest Releases
Lounge And Chill Out Spirits, Vol. 1
351 Lake Shore Drive, Noella, Simon Le Grec, Project Blue Sun, Marc Hartman, Sunset Boulevard Project, Guenter Haas, Eric Matthew, Marco Moli, Nexus 5, Smooth Deluxe, Micro Mania, Inventors Of The Sun, Lazy Hammock, Veytik, Desert Raven, Soulpacifica, Cinemascope, kaya takahara, Rennel, James Pollard, Rhythmphoria, The Soul Crusaders, Diviance, Tar Ntsei
ST.Tropez Sunset Lounge Affair, Vol. 2 (Relaxing Summer Chill Out & Lounge Pieces)
Guenter Haas, 351 Lake Shore Drive, Simon Le Grec, Smooth Deluxe, Metaharmoniks, Project Blue Sun, D-Chill, Dennis Landman, Man In A Room, Cardinal Zen, Cream, Barclay, Openzone Bar, Digital Project, Yin & Yang, Richter, Niestolik, Aelyn, .SANCTUARY, Barfuesser, Cinemascope, Chill Luly, Crystal Noise, Florian Fai, Sinatic, Malinverno
Easy Listening Lounge Affairs, Vol. 2 (Deluxe Downtempo Moods)
351 Lake Shore Drive, Chemical Flux, S.W., Metaharmoniks, Project Blue Sun, Simon Le Grec, Cardinal Zen, Tim Angrave, Man In A Room, Florian Fai, Richter, Niestolik, E-Love, Electric Moonlight, Digital Project, Cinemascope, Aqualise, Fancy Vienna, Dipolar, Andrea Depp, Jean Mare, Josephine Sinclar, Smooth Deluxe, Martinique le Souffleur
100%% Hotel Deluxe Music (The Best in Lounge and Chill Out, Essential Luxury Hits)
Jean Mare, Josephine Sinclar, Bernon, Smooth Deluxe, 351 Lake Shore Drive, Hermanos Balearic, Mazelo Nostra, Martinique le Souffleur, Mathieu Hobiere, Life Audience, Cinemascope, Krystian Shek, Surya, Yantra Mantra, Aimée Sol, Ray Maddison, Khaled Faris, Ryan KP, Anthony Hicks, Jenny Kiwool, Soundset City, Joey Supaporn, Alexander Metzger, Aqualise, Lounge Deluxe
Erotic Bar and Chill Out Lounge 55.1 (A Classic 55 Track Sunset Island and Cafe Deluxe Edition)
Vivian Lacoste, Martinique le Souffleur, Josephine Sinclar, Viv de la Rosa, Claude Chagall, Aqualise, Zelonka, Darrin C. Huss, Magica Fe, Night And Day, Spherical, Mariella Narvaez, Io Vita, Jeela, Nardis, Aimée Sol, Airstream One, Mirjam, Asheni, 8000Below, Emma Saville, Minusblue, Plus Minus, Cinemascope, 351 Lake Shore Drive, De Madrugada, Tukan, Andrea Mazza, Cloudofficers, Enfant De Luxe, Marga Sol, Soho Lounge, Dea Li, Jean Toussaint, Esteban Garcia Junior, Fenena Garcia Mijas, Simon Le Grec, One Man Ahead, Niki Saletta, Lounge Jam, Guenter Haas, Krystian Shek, Albert St.Barth, Lazy Hammock, Matisse, Jury Jet, S.Khovansky, Kabal, Maestro, Mark Down, Shadi Fares, Eddie Silverton, Al-Faris, Andrew Wooden
Ibiza Chill Out and Cafe Lounge Pearls 44.1 (A luxury selection of 44 Baleraric and Sunest Downbeat Chillers)
Vivian Lacoste, Albert St.Barth, Cloudofficers, Bob Brazill, 8000Below, Donna Howles, Aimee Sol, Aqualise, Jane Henley, Asheni, Night And Day, Peter Fischer, Kaledj, Mariella Narvaez, Io Vita, Kabal, Maestro, One Man Ahead, Niki Saletta, York, Beatkonexion, Art Stoner & Justin Le Mar, Soho Lounge, Dea Li, Guenter Haas, Plus Minus, Airstream One, Channel 2, TanYa, Soliquid pres. Frozen Pleasure, Kokeshibeatz, Lounge Generation, Namara, Christos Kessidis, Second Floor, Leonidas Chantzaras, Christian C. Weber, Bernd Langer, Floating Stone, Cinemascope, Jeff Bennett, Eddie Silverton, inSilent, Marga Sol, 351 Lake Shore Drive, Jean Toussaint, Xiao Lu, Simon Le Grec
Vampire Ambient Volume 1 (4 Hours Of Dark, Deep And Loungism Ambient Tracks For Your Scary Moments)
Devil Darkness, The Hen-rock, Asheni, Esteban N Garcia, Cinemascope, Andre Walter, Vampire Sangre, Michael E, Floating Stone, Simon Le Grec, Astrobase, Jasmin Del Sol, Redlounge Orchestra, Living Room, Twilight Bros., Junk Project, Transilvanian Vivimonsters, Van Helsing, The Vampires Of Love, Memo, But, Diggin The Grave
Vampire Ambient, Volume 1
Devil Darkness, The Hen-rock, Asheni, Esteban N Garcia, Cinemascope, Andre Walter, Vampire Sangre, Michael E, Floating Stone, Simon Le Grec, Astrobase, Jasmin Del Sol, Redlounge Orchestra, Living Room, Twilight Brothers, Junk Project, Transilvanian Vivimonsters, Van Helsing, The Vampires Of Love, Memo, But, Diggin The Grave
School of Lounge, Vol.1 (22 High Class Tracks of Musicians Graduation)
Al-Faris, Andrew Wooden, Area 42, Dipolar, Francesco Demegni, Thomas Lemmer, Dave Jerome, Floating Stone, Fenena Garcia Mijas, Guenter Haas, James Bright, Lounge Deluxe, Cinemascope, Simon Le Grec, Redlounge Orchestra, Eddie Silverton, Miodrag Sumonja, Cecil From Cordoba, Isabella Marbella, Minusblue, Night And Day, But & Memo