He started his career as DJ in 1995 in Tokyo. In the lateryears he perform REBOOT@Air, BUZZ ×3@R LOUNGE as aresident DJ.And from March 2012 he has the internet radio programwhich is the first begin in Japan "radio REBOOT " on everytuesday at 24:00.He played in various places in japan and Hong Kong. Hemake an performance with CRISTIAN SMITH, HARDFLOOR,MARCO BAILEY, FILT ER HEADS, CRISTIAN VARELA, SIAN,TOMEHADS and soon.Among their audiance and DJs he became very famous fororignal funky techno and his ability of using 4deaks. He isranked in the magazine "i Loud" the top 50DJs in Japanfrom 2006 to 2014.In September 2002, his first released "AGAINST THEOVERRDIVE E.P" was recommended by Q'HEY, DJSHUFFLEMASTER, YAMA, DJ UIROH and he received thehighest rating from German club magazine "raveline". atlater time he