Latest Releases
Tranceiology: Trance Music Contest 2017
DJ Devciio, Attila Syah, Victor Andro, Fatal Brightness Alex, Pulse Nation Project, Geeks, Anja Kicken, The North Works, Andyfoursix, Herby van CF, Rolfiek, Hamz, Huem, Christian Tamberger, Flambo, Kevin Moora, Fun Connection, Fabio Lisi, Konrad Bergen, Bergen & Francke, Jenny, Megara Vs Dj Lee, Veselin Tasev, Milchmann, Aruso, DJ Sakin, Romeo Lang, DJ Lee, Megara, I52Dj, Xmania, Zane Baker, Rupf, Aquinaee, John Spark, Iris Dee Jay, Erin, Robert Holland, Phil Dinner, Restriction 9, Makia Blue, Riser, Sp7, Chavosh, Empire of Energy, jjUPiiTER, Van Der Karsten, DJ Nodes, Cryostasis, Greyhawk, Emiel Roche, Sunlight Project, ABRUPT, Christian B, Sandvik Bros
Ambient Define 2017
One Second for Chill, Art Electronix, Julian Morawe, Lars Leonhard, Premasara Council, Bright Mood, City Capture, Restriction 9, Sibri29, CH73, Alex Marenga, Giuliano Palmieri, Jssst, Yin 4 Yang, Traffic Light, Maiwald, Debris of Theia, Seigo Aoyama, FM.tronica, Heroes Must Live, Loungeside, Florian F., Erdton, Makia Blue, Biblo, Max Lankau, Open Source, Piero Chianura, Matthew Cornell, Rafal Kulik, Footprints on the Moon, Infinity Space, HELENA, Heidler bis wolkig, Visible Silence, Silent Chaos, Owl Yeah, Pauss, Matchetto, B.U.T.I.S., BeatKreator ST, Moduleset, Nocto, Udo Vismann, Marc Seekey, Earthspaces, Yarara, Nugz, Pyma, Toby Noize, Ale Reya, Kos Kastilio, Florian Becker
Smooth Ambient 2017
Lars Leonhard, Premasara Council, Bright Mood, Restriction 9, Giuliano Palmieri, Jssst, Yin 4 Yang, Maiwald, Debris of Theia, Seigo Aoyama, FM.tronica, Heroes Must Live, Erdton, Makia Blue, Biblo, Max Lankau, Open Source, Piero Chianura, Matthew Cornell, Massimo Salustri, Liquid Chaos, Unit, Gianluca Livi, Footprints on the Moon, HELENA, Heidler bis wolkig, Owl Yeah, Pauss, B.U.T.I.S., BeatKreator ST, Moduleset, Nocto, Udo Vismann, Earthspaces, Nugz, Pyma, Florian Becker
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Acylum, Ad-Key, Aengeldust, Aesthetische, Mari Kattman, Aiboforcen, Alien Vampires, Avarice In Audio, Mondtraüme, Ayria, Circuito Cerrado, Cosmic Armchair, Diffuzion, Dream Recall, Elektroklange, Elm, Entrzelle, Essence Of Mind, Helalyn Flowers, I:Scintilla, Imjudas, Implant, Junksista, Kant Kino, Llumen, Mentallo & the Fixer, Metroland, Mildreda, Neikka RPM, Novo, Plastic Noise Experience, Pouppee Fabrikk, Prozium, Kyoko Baertsoen, Psy'aviah, Schwarzblut, Sin.Sin, Siva Six, Star Industry, Studio-X, Simon Carter, Suicidal Romance, Felix Marc, Technoir, The Psychic Force, Totem Obscura, Venal Flesh, XMH, Zombie Girl, Hell:Sector
Electronic Saviors; Industrial Music to Cure Cancer, Vol. IV: Retaliation
KMFDM, The Dark Clan, Ghostfeeder, Panic Lift, Deathline Int'l, ReinForced, Deathproof, Mindless Faith, Binary Park, Iris, More Machine Than Man, Suicide Commando, Massiv In Mensch, Rodney Anonymous, EurasianeyeS, Cenotype, Stoneburner, am psych, Blutengel, Ashbury Heights, Ego Likeness, Ghost & Writer, Blownload, Nolongerhuman, Shiv-R, Formalin, Red Lokust, Cyanotic, Coldkill, Am Tierpark, Inertia, K.P. Riot Brigade, Neuroactive, Solitary Experiments, Go Fight, Interface, En Esch, Cancerface, Null Device, Noir, Seeming, Spider Lilies, Tenek, Dope Stars Inc., Seven Trees, Exageist, IIOIOIOII, Caustic, Primitive Race, Cevello Elettronico, Black Volition, I: Scintilla, Massive Ego, Encephalon, Cable & Berdysz, The Rain Within, Information Society, Electrovot, Bella Morte, Solar Fake, Hardcore Pong, Psy 'Aviah, Society Burning, Hype Factor, Stiff Valentine, Decoded Feedback, Slave Unit, Leaether Strip, White Shadow, Tragic Impulse, Dream In Red, cyber strukture, CYLiX, Hopeful Machines, Trakktor, Dharmata 101, Binary Division, Unitary, Nightmare, Standard Issue Citizen, Colony 5, Vein Collector, Control.org, Mirland, Cyanide Regime, Red This Ever, Adoration Destroyed, HIde and Sequence, Vircon, Antibody, entr0piique, Silver Walks, Machines on Blast, Microwaved, FCH, Venus In Furs, Rust and Remain, UCNX, Invisible Sky, Venal Flesh, head-less, Peter Turns Pirate, This Hollow Machine
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Kant Kino, Bruderschaft, Technoir, Mondtraüme, Suicidal Romance, Zombie Girl, XMH, Alien Vampires, Helalyn Flowers, I:Scintilla, 32Crash, Freakangel, Aengeldust, Komor Kommando, Virgins O.R Pigeons, Venal Flesh, Chris Anderson, Avarice In Audio, Neikka RPM, Front 242, Novo, Metroland, Elektroklange, Junksista, Cosmic Armchair, Stray, Studio-X, Simon Carter, Ayria, Plastic Noise Experience, Armageddon Dildos, Elm, Diffuzion, Pouppee Fabrikk, Aesthetische, Halo In Reverse, Lovelorn Dolls, Aiboforcen, Psy'aviah, Ellia Bisker, Sin.Sin, Dream Recall, Diskonnekted, Tamtrum, Unter Null, Mentallo & the Fixer, Implant, Mari Chrome, Star Industry, Glis, Essence Of Mind, Krystal System, Razorfade, The Psychic Force, Restricted Area, Entrzelle, Llumen, Acylum, Cynical Existence, Dunkelwerk, Schwarzblut, Siva Six, Totem Obscura, amGod