This EP represents a collaboration between four artists, each hailing from different electronic music genres. Their goal is to capture the unique experiences and emotions that stem from their varied creative backgrounds, from their past to their present place in t...
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Electronic Hotel Music
White Azz Suckers, Waveform Bits, Vladimir Damira, Virility Ex, Xenias, Phession, Yael Wood, Xhevat Coil, Qamil Stello, Pacey Rookz, Pabla Tevo, P.oker, Oktavio Grind, Kacper Kirtz, Joelina Haak, Joel Fuel, Jeff Haymaker, Jad Peak, Ilias Takahamovic, Eric Foulder, Edgar Blaime, Duna Shain, Camilla Vargas, Carlos Estevan, Carl Crunch, Techno Peaktime Hunter, Bob Lee, Acrylite