Beginning in the 1984 Stefano starts from a small radio of Verbania. In 1992 he produces the first disk on the PLM Records, with Paul Bardelli and Roberto Corinaldesi, of Radio Milano International. While continuing his broadcast activities, he begins to work in many Clubs and to produce various disks; alongside, as Judge, he participates to a contest of the ANDJ Italia. He meets and becomes friend of Maurice D’Ambrosio (MEPHISTO); with his cooperation he produces: Makin'Love, of the You Rouge, Better World of Ampak, included in the compilation Energy House 99, ALPHA DJ (Aka Stefano Valli) with Urlando contro il cielo, the cover of Ligabue, ranking the first 10 positions in the Italian Dance Chart. With the Desastre Records and, thanks to ROLAND BRANT, he publishes various disks with his name, Message