Lucas Perazzi , DJ and producer , born in Argentina , in the city of Mar del Plata. Motivated from childhood for music disco, rock and later electronics. At age 13 I began to be intrigued about what would feel to be dj . Over time this intrigue was responding sola.Desde its beginnings as a DJ at an early age , covered the circuit of his hometown clubs (like Chocolate, Gap, Torreon del Monje , New Skull Beats @ Santoficio , Velvet Sobremonte , etc.) ...After a few years , manages the residence of Velvet ( Sobremonte ), thanks to a life companion , Diego Suarez , who gave the residence.Looking for years a style that mark , found that its essence was in the House and his closest derivatives.
Latest Releases
Deep House Chart Series, Vol. 6
Dave Lindbergh, Joey Chicago, 120 Dance, Ricky Presta, GSP, Brian Justin Crum, J Dovy, Gazpachio, May, MIG, Agent Greg, Abigail Bailey, Lorenzo Clandestino, Alfredo Vena, Stroboman, Hoster, Kinka, Lucas Perazzi, Ebony Children, L8 Night Collective, Para People, Gari Sinedima, SIN TEK, W.O.H, Luc Forlorn, Fabio Tosti, Donald Sheffey, Live & Touch
Deep House Paris 16
Vynal K, No Rabbitz, Sentenza, Satoshi Fumi, Dave DK, Dole & Kom, Manabu Nagayama, Soichi Terada, Sebastian Coste, Eigenwijs, Christian Hornbostel, Harriet Roberts, Oscar Barila, Shin, Eda, Yamen, The Godfathers Of Deep House SA, Deteque, Patricia Edwards, Boddhi Musique, Tom Doux, Mark Evemport, PNFA, Tee Maestro, Thomas Lizzara, Steven Coulter, Calvera, Lucas Perazzi, Federico
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