His Name is Peter Nemeth was born in 1992.Peter started his journey in 2009, the year where he learned the ropes of producing, and composing music.In 2010 his first track called Turkey was released by “Liquid Drops” in the “Diferion Volume 2” [LQDD0031]. In the same year the “Fairlads Digital Records” released his first album “All men are equal” [FDR104].2 years later “Deadpeet & Ill Cows – Techest vol.1 EP” by “Itom Records” [ITR009]. In 2015 he did a remix to his friends: “Ill Cows – I can feel (Deadpeet remix)” by “Deep” [DEEP0088]. In 2017 he did another remix to “Varun Fernandes” for “Free Flow EP” released by “Groove 9 Records” [GR9014].On May 20 his first EP was released by "Pushing Trolleys" this is the "Nice EP" inside with
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