Latest Releases
Hardstyle Sounds - The Festival Edition 2025
D-Block & S-te-Fan, Aversion, The Prophet, Bass Modulators, Devin Wild, Nathalie Blue, Mutilator, Digital Punk, High Voltage, Toneshifterz, KELTEK, Ran-D, LePrince, B-Front, Deetox, Level One, Scarra, A-RIZE, Frequencerz, Galactixx, Sabacca, Twisted Melodiez, DJ Mystery, Adaro, RVAGE, Nightcraft, DV8, Dominhyde, Mc Diesel, D-Attack, Demi Kanon, Act of rage, Frontliner, NLCK, The Pitcher, Audiotricz, Mark Eva, Zany, Ephoric, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Noiseface, Lady Faith, Hard Driver, D-Vstor, SteelniX, Imperatorz, Zatox, Anderex, Exproz, Nik Sitz, Restricted, Regain
Bassquake - Earthshaking Hardstyle Hits
Ran-D, LePrince, B-Front, Deetox, Imperatorz, Zatox, Mc Diesel, D-Attack, D-Vator, SteelniX, Twisted Melodiez, Act of rage, KELTEK, Lady Faith, Frontliner, NLCK, Devin Wild, The Purge, Divinez, DJ Isaac, Dominhyde, Level One, Scarra, A-RIZE, The Prophet, Nathalie Blue, Hard Driver, Noiseface, EV-LO, Frequencerz, E-Force, Adrenalize, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Digital Punk, Galactixx, Sabacca, Kronos, Phyric, High Voltage, Regain, Adaro, DV8, Bass Modulators, Imperial, Neroz, Disarray, RVAGE, Nightcraft, Demi Kanon
Hardstyle Rockstars, Vol. 2
DJ Isaac, Nobody, Rob IYF, Bass Modulators, KELTEK, Devin Wild, Distorted Voices, Malevolent, Neophyte, Chaos Project, The Prophet, Ran-D, LePrince, Unresolved, Regain, Imperatorz, Level One, Scarra, A-RIZE, The Satan, Sakyra, RVAGE, Nightcraft, RiraN, Ssombo, Karun, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Infected, Hard Driver, Kronos, The Purge, Euphoric, RWND, Stargazer, KC, Ephoric, Melodiq, Hard Projectz, Phyric, EV-LO, Screecher, Fearless Mates, Divinez, Element, Imperial, Neroz, D-Attack, Disarray, Adrenalize, Alee, Never Surrender
Hardcore Warriors, Vol. 2 - The Dark Side
Ran-D, Hard Driver, Level One, Scarra, A-RIZE, The Prophet, LePrince, Unresolved, KELTEK, Neophyte, Chaos Project, Imperial, Kronos, Neroz, D-Attack, Imperatorz, Disarray, RiraN, Ssombo, Karun, DJ Isaac, Element, The Satan, Sakyra, Alee, Never Surrender, Devin Wild, EV-LO, Regain, Ephoric, Melodiq, Hard Projectz, Phyric, B-Front, Deetox, Euphoric, RWND, Stargazer, Adrenalize, D-Block, S-te-Fan, DJ Mystery, Meelody, Digital Punk, Frequencerz, Galactixx, Sabacca, RVAGE, Nightcraft, Adaro, Nikki Milou, E-Force, Last Word, High Voltage, Divinez
Hardstyle Hellfire 2024 - Bad Blood
Rejecta, Zany, B-Front, Phuture Noize, E-Force, Disarray, DJ Mystery, Dany Bpm, Tomsky, Your Future Husband, MasterOfTime, Toneshifterz, Phyric, Imperial, Kronos, Neroz, D-Attack, Level One, Imperatorz, The Prophet, Ran-D, LePrince, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, SL Complex, Adrenalize, Lady Faith, D-Sturb, Resolute, Cold Confusion, Divinez, Atmozfears, Demi Kanon, Nino Lucarelli, Mc DL, Revive, Inflame, Deluzion, RVAGE, Baq, LillyRazy, RiraN, Ssombo, MERYLL, Last Word, Chuck Roberts, Act of rage, MC Jeff, Nolz, Rab-Beat, Mc Diesel, A-RIZE, KELTEK, Digital Punk, E-Life
Hardstyle Thunders 2024
The Prophet, Chuck Roberts, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, Imperatorz, Neroz, A-RIZE, DJ Mystery, Dany Bpm, LillyRazy, MasterOfTime, E-Force, Level One, Act of rage, Deluzion, Nolz, D-Sturb, RVAGE, Adrenalize, Imperial, Kronos, D-Attack, Disarray, KELTEK, Inflame, Rab-Beat, Element, MERYLL, Mc Diesel, Frequencerz, Divinez, Rejecta, Nightcraft, Retrospect, Eternate, Resolute, Cold Confusion, B-Front, Toneshifterz, Digital Punk, E-Life, Thyron, Baq, Zany, Last Word, Phuture Noize, Spitfire, Equalizer, Atmozfears, Demi Kanon, Nino Lucarelli, Devin Wild
Happy Hard Dance, Vol. 4
Frequencerz, Galactixx, Sabacca, DJ Isaac, A-RIZE, EV-LO, Beatsbomber, Soundbreakerz, DJ Mystery, Rab-Beat, Dany Bpm, Hellsystem, GridKiller, D-Note, Imperatorz, Last Word, Kronos, MERYLL, Digital Punk, Rejecta, Mc Diesel, D-Attack, Spitfire, Equalizer, Devin Wild, The Purge, KELTEK, Adrenalize, Divinez, Act of rage, Deluzion, Nolz, Inflame, Lady Faith, Bass Modulators, Never Surrender, D-Fuse, Malevolent, Rob Da Rhythm, Ran-D, Hard Driver, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, Neroz, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Bass X Machina, Demi Kanon, MC Jeff, Screecher, Fyloh
HEAVY HARDSTYLE 2024 - Can't Stop Raving
The Prophet, Chuck Roberts, Frequencerz, Galactixx, Sabacca, Deluzion, RVAGE, E-Force, Kronos, MERYLL, Imperatorz, Last Word, B-Front, Toneshifterz, Imperial, Neroz, D-Attack, Level One, Disarray, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, Adrenalize, Lady Faith, Zany, Digital Punk, Adaro, DV8, E-Life, D-Sturb, KELTEK, Element, Devin Wild, Ran-D, Hard Driver, Act of rage, Nolz, Reva, ENVINE, Unresolved, Divinez, Mc DL, Revive, Demi Kanon, Rejecta, Atmozfears, Nino Lucarelli, The Dope Doctor, Mc Diesel
Hardstyle Rockstars, Vol. 1
The Prophet, Level One, Ran-D, Hard Driver, Rejecta, B-Front, KELTEK, Bass X Machina, DJ Mystery, Melodiq, Hard Projectz, Divinez, Never Surrender, Demi Kanon, A-RIZE, E-Life, Devin Wild, B-Frontliner, Mc Diesel, D-Attack, Hellsystem, Aftermath, Soundbreakerz, The Purge, Adrenalize, Adaro, DV8, Unresolved, Nightcraft, Lady Faith, Bass Modulators, Baq, RiraN, Ssombo, Karun, The Viper, Tha Playah, Neophyte, Rab-Beat, Dany Bpm, Digital Punk, Alee, Restrained, GridKiller, Frequencerz, Galactixx, Sabacca, Bright Visions, EV-LO, Calmani & Grey, Chad Clemens
Fck Dat! - We Love Hardstyle 2024
The Prophet, Ran-D, LePrince, Frequencerz, Galactixx, Sabacca, B-Front, Kronos, MERYLL, Level One, Hixxy, Sharkey, A-RIZE, Vindicate, RWND, Al Twisted, Twisted Society, Social Dizorder, Thyron, Deluzion, Warface, Digital Punk, Detest, eDUB, Goetia, Oblvn, InfeXious Music, Mc DL, Revive, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, Imperatorz, Adverze, Adaro, DV8, B-Frontliner, Kibo, Realiner, Madnezz, 3rdWav, Bright Visions, Devin Wild, The Purge, Rejecta, Gunz For Hire, GLDY LX, Hard Driver, D-Fuse, Mc Diesel, D-Attack, Crypsis, High Voltage, Act of rage, Nolz, RVAGE, EV-LO, Invector, Divinez, Element, Neroz
Generation Hardstyle - 2024
DJ Isaac, Element, Hellsystem, Maintain, Mark Breeze, Project XTC, Kronos, MERYLL, Level One, Frequencerz, E-Force, Imperatorz, Last Word, Mc Diesel, D-Attack, Rejecta, A-RIZE, Imperial, Neroz, Disarray, KELTEK, Ran-D, Hard Driver, Digital Punk, Galactixx, Sabacca, Atmozfears, Demi Kanon, Nino Lucarelli, Bright Visions, Al Twisted, Twisted Society, Social Dizorder, Manifest Destiny, Doctor D, Hixxy, Sharkey, Rob Da Rhythm, Beatsbomber, D-Fuse, EV-LO, Adrenalize, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Diandra Faye, Divinez, Oblvn, Adaro, DV8, B-Front, Pinotello, Mc DL, Revive, Screecher, Teddy, Lövite, Ncrypta, Mc Livid
Majesty of Hardstyle - The Very Best in Hands Up
Headhunterz, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Ran-D, Bass Modulators, Ava Silver, The Prophet, Frequencerz, DJ Isaac, E-Force, Sub Sonik, Revive, Eternate, Outlined, Dr. Peacock, Rejecta, Adaro, DV8, Katalyze, Dutch Master, Sins Of Insanity, Hypix, Storah, Minoz, Break of Dawn, ÆLINN, Keku, Adronity, Dual Damage, Imperial, Regrave, Tania Ride, Spars, Kery, DEEZL, Raveision, Boomer, Unbehold, D-Attack, Strixter, Bright Visions, Atmozfears, Demi Kanon, Alee, Lady Faith, Galactixx, Delius, Digital Punk, Nolz, Carola, N-Expected, Distrix, AbstructA, Tigaiko, Gunz For Hire, GLDY LX, Embassy, Terminal
Hardstyle Maxximum 2023
The Prophet, Frontliner, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Gunz For Hire, Adaro, Digital Punk, Nino Lucarelli, Galactixx, Stef Classens, Eternate, Mc DL, Radianze, Neroz, Atmozfears, Demi Kanon, Luxho, Fran Fuzz, BlameNoise, ENVINE, Diandra Faye, Dark Rehab, Killstreak, Sound Rush, KELTEK, RVAGE, Level One, TNYA, Sihk, Divinez, Bright Visions, Stylar, Cranky, Baq, LillyRazy, D-Attack, Andrew Liogas, Rejecta, Juandy Power, Embassy, Frequencerz, DJ Mystery, Tigaiko, Bass Modulators, Bass X Machina, Angel Cannon, Adrenalize, B-Front, Zelcon, Triads, Div Eadie, RADERA, Tiberias, Joka, Free Fire, Lyrical, Scabtik
Hardstyle Sounds 2023.2
The Prophet, Frontliner, Atmozfears, Demi Kanon, Adaro, Nino Lucarelli, Level One, Phyric, Digital Punk, E-Life, Syperx, Gunz For Hire, Galactixx, Zelcon, DJ Mystery, Rejecta, Joka, Tomsky, Your Future Husband, B-Front, Phuture Noize, Dark Rehab, Killstreak, Divinez, MasterOfTime, Neroz, Chuck Roberts, Imperatorz, Chronic Distortion, D-Attack, LillyRazy, Embassy, Frequencerz, Bass Modulators, Alpha, SWBK, SL Complex, Lady Faith, Sound Rush, KELTEK, Calmani & Grey, Chad Clemens, Luca Testa, Devin Wild, RWND, Kronos, Bright Visions, Dvastate, MC Flo, ENVINE, Adrenalize
Heavy Hardstyle 2023 - Hard Hitting Rave Sounds
Ran-D, Rejecta, Headhunterz, Abject, Adrenalize, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Gunz For Hire, Retrospect, Luca Testa, ENVINE, Ephoric, Lady Faith, The Prophet, DJ Mystery, Zelcon, Bmberjck, Devin Wild, Neroz, D-Attack, Joka, Tomsky, Your Future Husband, Freshtuff, Digital Punk, E-Life, Subraver, Frequencerz, Imperatorz, Divinez, LillyRazy, Fran Fuzz, BlameNoise, Storah, KELTEK, Hypix, B-Front, Phuture Noize, Chronic Distortion, Triads, Bobby John, Nebiri, Lyrical, Scabtik, B-Elementz, Terminal, Tiberias, Boomer, Unbehold
Hardstyle Hellfire 2023 - Enter the Madness
D-Block & S-te-Fan, Tha Watcher, Level One, System of Loudness, Kaotik Mind, The Prophet, Adronity, Eternate, TNYA, Galactixx, Divinez, Subraver, Bright Visions, Dvastate, MC Flo, Demi Kanon, Free Fire, Kronos, Adaro, Nino Lucarelli, E-Force, LillyRazy, GVBBZ, B-Front, Phuture Noize, Vazooka, Distrix, Retrospect, Devin Wild, Lyrical, Scabtik, KELTEK, D-Attack, Zelcon, Triads, Bobby John, Nebiri, B-Elementz, Adrenalize, CategorieN, DJ Mystery, Distorted Frequencies, Kery, Neroz, Terminal, Ephoric, Tiberias, Syperx, Tigaiko, Horseplay
Hardstyle Thunders 2023
The Prophet, Chuck Roberts, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Devin Wild, KELTEK, Digital Punk, E-Life, B-Front, Toneshifterz, Zany, Adrenalize, Demi Kanon, Kronos, Level One, Haaradak, NOT A PHAZE, D-Attack, Tellem, RWND, LillyRazy, Regrave, SWBK, Lyrical, Scabtik, Freshtuff, Joka, Syperx, Bmberjck, Zelcon, Tomsky, Your Future Husband, Rejecta, Lady Faith, MasterOfTime, SL Complex, Reva, ENVINE, Dave Revan, Distrix, Hypix, Baq, Imperatorz, Storah, Phuture Noize, Divinez, Retrospect, Eternate, Phyric, Terminal, Chronic Distortion
Hardcore Nightmares, Vol. 12
Neophyte, Lem-X, CHAOTYC MIND, Never Surrender, Rob Da Rhythm, Imperial, JOVANA K, Hellsystem, Crime Scene, The Orphan, D-Attack, Mark Vayne, INVADE, Underground Vandalz, Bad Business, Sandy Warez, Dark Phoenix, Kaos, Fearless Mates, Unnatural Sound, Mind Compressor, Aftermath, Lara, Streiks, Kratchs, Detest, False Idol, Kidam, Chaos Project, Illegal Brother, Estefania Jimarez, The Mind Destiny, DouBleBass, Synx, Griever, Dither, Wrong Sequence, D-Tempo, T.F.P., Zeiqo, GridKiller, Screecher, Perséfone, Lady Dammage, Unrest
Hardstyle Mission 2023: Ring the Alarm
Headhunterz, Abject, Gunz For Hire, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Frequencerz, Ran-D, Rejecta, Free Fire, The Prophet, DJ Mystery, Demi Kanon, Vazooka, Tigaiko, Distorted Frequencies, Adrenalize, ADN Lewis, Digital Punk, E-Life, Bright Visions, Adaro, D-Attack, Scabtik, Neroz, Relusion, Retrospect, Zelcon, Fran Fuzz, BlameNoise, Tomsky, Your Future Husband, Lady Faith, Hypix, CategorieN, Tiberias, Rekall, Myke, ENVINE, Horseplay, B-Front, Phuture Noize, KELTEK, Devin Wild, Boomer, Unbehold, Storah, SL Complex, Bertoc, Terminal, Minoz
Hard as Hell - Hardstyle Fire 2023
Headhunterz, Abject, Gunz For Hire, The Prophet, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Digital Punk, E-Life, B-Front, Phuture Noize, Lady Faith, Divinez, Bright Visions, Dvastate, MC Flo, Adaro, Demi Kanon, Retrospect, Eternate, Frequencerz, Neroz, Rab-Beat, Imperatorz, Adrenalize, KELTEK, Devin Wild, Tigaiko, Tomsky, Your Future Husband, SL Complex, Bertoc, D-Attack, Storah, Baq, Distorted Frequencies, Zelcon, CategorieN, MasterOfTime, Terminal, Yhimself, Hypix, Raveision, Reva, ENVINE, Earsquaker, Scabtik, Miriam Romeyn, Free Fire, DJ Mystery, Calmani & Grey, Chad Clemens
Hardstyle Force 2023 - Join the Rebellion
D-Block & S-te-Fan, Gunz For Hire, Ran-D, B-Front, Phuture Noize, Frontliner, Digital Punk, Alpha², The Prophet, Rejecta, Devin Wild, Headhunterz, Abject, Neroz, Brennan Heart, Wildstylez, Divinez, Psyko Punkz, Wim Hof, Zac Aynsley, Demi Kanon, Earsquaker, Bright Visions, KELTEK, Adaro, Alee, Invector, Distorted Frequencies, Atmozfears, Galactixx, Stef Classens, MC Tools, Tiberias, Storah, SL Complex, ENVINE, Michael Jo, Retrospect, Lady Faith, Spectre, Kronos, Milano The Don, E-Life, MasterOfTime, Deetox, D-Attack, Nathalie Blue, Eternate, Miriam Romeyn, Yhimself, Zatox, Zyon, Dave Revan, Terminal, Rab-Beat, NeoBallisticz, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Raveision, Adrenalize, Dvastate, MC Flo, Scabtik, Memorize, Bass Modulators, Imperatorz, CategorieN, Tigaiko, Sound Rush, Sogma, Vazooka, Anklebreaker, Bass Prototype, RADERA, Baq, Hypix, Frequencerz, LXCPR, Radianze, Drean, Death Code, Phyric, Calmani & Grey, Chad Clemens, Bertoc
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