Latest Releases
Hardstyle Bass Carnage - The Raw Styles
Act of rage, KELTEK, The Prophet, A-RIZE, Devin Wild, Tukker Tempo, Rob Da Rhythm, Twisted Melodiez, Undefeated, Dominhyde, Joey Riot, RT, Thyron, Bass Modulators, New Hero, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Ran-D, Malevolent, CLSM, Lisa Abbott, Imperatorz, MC Robs, Yoshiko, Unsyn, Mind Controller, Wreck Reality, Level One, Iris Goes, Melodiq, Hard Projectz, Noiseface, Mc Livid, Deepack, Digital Punk, Gunz For Hire, SteelniX, Hardbouncer, Screecher, Goetia, Disarray, DJ Duro, Infected, EQUAL2, Chaos Clan, Beatsbomber, The Smasherz, The Saraphim, ØBLVN, Luden, Trifecta, Kronos, Last Word, Adaro
Theracords 2024 Collection
MAYTHOR, Memorax, Kruelty, Death Code, Geck-O, Sacred Mind, Revizion, Collusion, 8 Ball, Intershock, Revelation, Uncaged, Hard Destiny, Insurgent, Experion, Luminite, Lucion, DJ Thera, Deep Dimension, Strike Blood, Karina Rosee, Partî, Rewilder, 2 Brothers Of Hardstyle, NEXOR, VYAX, Mindst8, CRYBLOOD, Element, E-Force, Aversion, RVAGE, UNVIZION, ÆLINN, Phantom, Incult, Vasto, Magistri, Nathalie Blue, Omnya, World Divided, Nagoom, Disarray, Heavy Resistance, Mortis, Qoiet, The Smiler, Exproz, Cut Sphere, Mc Livid
Hardstyle Adrenalin - The Rush of the Beats
The Prophet, Frontliner, Devin Wild, Level One, DJ Isaac, The Purge, Stargazer, Undefeated, Dominhyde, Ephoric, KELTEK, Mc Livid, Imperatorz, Deepack, Iris Goes, DJ Mystery, Meelody, D-Note, Digital Mindz, Nightcraft, Thyron, Bass Modulators, New Hero, Malice, Unresolved, Demi Kanon, Melodiq, Hard Projectz, The Smasherz, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Ran-D, Digital Punk, Gunz For Hire, NLCK, Lady Faith, SteelniX, Zatox, Kronos, Last Word, Adaro, MC Robs, Disarray, DJ Duro, Act of rage, JEEX
Hardstyle Shock - The Unleashed Frequencys
The Prophet, Frontliner, Devin Wild, Disarray, Level One, Digital Mindz, Nightcraft, Thyron, A-RIZE, The Purge, Stargazer, Undefeated, Dominhyde, Ephoric, Iris Goes, DJ Isaac, Bass Modulators, New Hero, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Ran-D, Digital Punk, Gunz For Hire, DJ Duro, Malice, DJ Mystery, Meelody, Imperatorz, MC Robs, KELTEK, Mc Livid, Deepack, D-Note, Unresolved, Demi Kanon, NLCK, Lady Faith, Act of rage, Zatox, JEEX, Kronos, Last Word, Caelum, Adaro
Hardstyle Raw Force - The Harder Movement
Disarray, Imperatorz, Zatox, JEEX, Nightcraft, Kronos, Last Word, Digital Mindz, Thyron, Bass Modulators, New Hero, DJ Mystery, Noiseface, D-Vator, Adaro, Level One, Act of rage, KELTEK, The Prophet, A-RIZE, SteelniX, Twisted Melodiez, Devin Wild, MC Robs, Mc Livid, Deepack, Iris Goes, DJ Isaac, Ran-D, LePrince, Scarra, The Purge, Dominhyde, Melodiq, Hard Projectz, Ephoric, Digital Punk, Sabacca, Atmozfears, Nathalie Blue, Frontliner, NLCK, Lady Faith, Stargazer
Shockwave - Pure Hardstyle Energy
A-RIZE, Devin Wild, Imperatorz, MC Robs, KELTEK, Mc Livid, The Prophet, Deepack, Level One, Iris Goes, Tukker Tempo, Rob Da Rhythm, Hardbouncer, Screecher, Infected, Cyber Gunz, Thyron, Bass Modulators, New Hero, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Ran-D, Digital Punk, Gunz For Hire, Disarray, DJ Duro, Beatsbomber, The Satan, Versattchio, Kronos, Last Word, Adaro, Act of rage, Goetia, EQUAL2, Malice, Unresolved, Demi Kanon, Frontliner, NLCK, Chaos Clan, Yoshiko, Unsyn, Mind Controller, Wreck Reality, Lady Faith, Zatox, JEEX, Nightcraft
Hardstyle Hellfire 2024 - Bad Blood
Rejecta, Zany, B-Front, Phuture Noize, E-Force, Disarray, DJ Mystery, Dany Bpm, Tomsky, Your Future Husband, MasterOfTime, Toneshifterz, Phyric, Imperial, Kronos, Neroz, D-Attack, Level One, Imperatorz, The Prophet, Ran-D, LePrince, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, SL Complex, Adrenalize, Lady Faith, D-Sturb, Resolute, Cold Confusion, Divinez, Atmozfears, Demi Kanon, Nino Lucarelli, Mc DL, Revive, Inflame, Deluzion, RVAGE, Baq, LillyRazy, RiraN, Ssombo, MERYLL, Last Word, Chuck Roberts, Act of rage, MC Jeff, Nolz, Rab-Beat, Mc Diesel, A-RIZE, KELTEK, Digital Punk, E-Life
Hardstyle Heaven 2024 - Phat Bass Tunes
Frequencerz, Galactixx, Sabacca, The Prophet, Ran-D, LePrince, Rejecta, A-RIZE, Euphoric, RWND, Stargazer, Neroz, Phyric, Rob Da Rhythm, Screecher, Oblvn, Pinotello, AbstructA, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Diandra Faye, Rab-Beat, Devin Wild, The Purge, Unresolved, KELTEK, Al Twisted, Twisted Society, Social Dizorder, B-Front, Digital Punk, DJ Mystery, Dany Bpm, Hard Driver, Divinez, DJ Isaac, D-Fuse, Malevolent, Manifest Destiny, Kronos, RiraN, Ssombo, Adaro, DV8, Level One, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, Imperatorz, Baq, E-Force, Adverze, Element, EV-LO, Atmozfears, Demi Kanon, Nino Lucarelli, Bright Visions, D-Note, Meelody
Hardstyle Thunders 2024
The Prophet, Chuck Roberts, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, Imperatorz, Neroz, A-RIZE, DJ Mystery, Dany Bpm, LillyRazy, MasterOfTime, E-Force, Level One, Act of rage, Deluzion, Nolz, D-Sturb, RVAGE, Adrenalize, Imperial, Kronos, D-Attack, Disarray, KELTEK, Inflame, Rab-Beat, Element, MERYLL, Mc Diesel, Frequencerz, Divinez, Rejecta, Nightcraft, Retrospect, Eternate, Resolute, Cold Confusion, B-Front, Toneshifterz, Digital Punk, E-Life, Thyron, Baq, Zany, Last Word, Phuture Noize, Spitfire, Equalizer, Atmozfears, Demi Kanon, Nino Lucarelli, Devin Wild
Happy Hard Dance, Vol. 4
Frequencerz, Galactixx, Sabacca, DJ Isaac, A-RIZE, EV-LO, Beatsbomber, Soundbreakerz, DJ Mystery, Rab-Beat, Dany Bpm, Hellsystem, GridKiller, D-Note, Imperatorz, Last Word, Kronos, MERYLL, Digital Punk, Rejecta, Mc Diesel, D-Attack, Spitfire, Equalizer, Devin Wild, The Purge, KELTEK, Adrenalize, Divinez, Act of rage, Deluzion, Nolz, Inflame, Lady Faith, Bass Modulators, Never Surrender, D-Fuse, Malevolent, Rob Da Rhythm, Ran-D, Hard Driver, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, Neroz, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Bass X Machina, Demi Kanon, MC Jeff, Screecher, Fyloh
HEAVY HARDSTYLE 2024 - Can't Stop Raving
The Prophet, Chuck Roberts, Frequencerz, Galactixx, Sabacca, Deluzion, RVAGE, E-Force, Kronos, MERYLL, Imperatorz, Last Word, B-Front, Toneshifterz, Imperial, Neroz, D-Attack, Level One, Disarray, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, Adrenalize, Lady Faith, Zany, Digital Punk, Adaro, DV8, E-Life, D-Sturb, KELTEK, Element, Devin Wild, Ran-D, Hard Driver, Act of rage, Nolz, Reva, ENVINE, Unresolved, Divinez, Mc DL, Revive, Demi Kanon, Rejecta, Atmozfears, Nino Lucarelli, The Dope Doctor, Mc Diesel
Fck Dat! - We Love Hardstyle 2024
The Prophet, Ran-D, LePrince, Frequencerz, Galactixx, Sabacca, B-Front, Kronos, MERYLL, Level One, Hixxy, Sharkey, A-RIZE, Vindicate, RWND, Al Twisted, Twisted Society, Social Dizorder, Thyron, Deluzion, Warface, Digital Punk, Detest, eDUB, Goetia, Oblvn, InfeXious Music, Mc DL, Revive, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, Imperatorz, Adverze, Adaro, DV8, B-Frontliner, Kibo, Realiner, Madnezz, 3rdWav, Bright Visions, Devin Wild, The Purge, Rejecta, Gunz For Hire, GLDY LX, Hard Driver, D-Fuse, Mc Diesel, D-Attack, Crypsis, High Voltage, Act of rage, Nolz, RVAGE, EV-LO, Invector, Divinez, Element, Neroz
Generation Hardstyle - 2024
DJ Isaac, Element, Hellsystem, Maintain, Mark Breeze, Project XTC, Kronos, MERYLL, Level One, Frequencerz, E-Force, Imperatorz, Last Word, Mc Diesel, D-Attack, Rejecta, A-RIZE, Imperial, Neroz, Disarray, KELTEK, Ran-D, Hard Driver, Digital Punk, Galactixx, Sabacca, Atmozfears, Demi Kanon, Nino Lucarelli, Bright Visions, Al Twisted, Twisted Society, Social Dizorder, Manifest Destiny, Doctor D, Hixxy, Sharkey, Rob Da Rhythm, Beatsbomber, D-Fuse, EV-LO, Adrenalize, D-Block, S-te-Fan, Diandra Faye, Divinez, Oblvn, Adaro, DV8, B-Front, Pinotello, Mc DL, Revive, Screecher, Teddy, Lövite, Ncrypta, Mc Livid
REBELLiON 2023 - The Eclipse
Mc Livid, Rejecta, Cryex, Adaro, DV8, Level One, Phuture Noize, Aversion, B-Front, Ran-D, E-Force, Frequencerz, Hard Driver, D-Sturb, Radianze, Promo, Act of rage, Deluzion, Nolz, Voidax, Unresolved, Invector, The Saints, Warface, Spitnoise, Major Conspiracy, MC Jeff, Code Black, Vexxed, Mutilator, Scarra, Vasto, Chapter V, Dual Damage, Kenai, Deadly Guns
Hardstyle Anthems 2024
DJ Isaac, The Prophet, Ran-D, LePrince, ENVINE, Diandra Faye, Villain, Xception, Hard Projectz, Andrew Liogas, N-Expected, KELTEK, Adrenalize, Alee, Lady Faith, Digital Punk, Nolz, Carola, Adaro, DV8, Katalyze, Eternate, Outlined, Keku, Angel Cannon, Divinez, Bright Visions, Bass Modulators, Bass X Machina, Demi Kanon, Frequencerz, Gunz For Hire, LXCPR, MC Synergy, Max Alexander, Outrage, Narcyz, Luigi Neighbours, Neroz, Disarray, Ncrypta, Mc Livid, Imperatorz, Ghost Stories (D-BLOCK & S-TE-FAN), Headhunterz, D-Block & S-te-Fan, DJ Mystery, Rejecta, B-Front, Two Freqz, E-Grot, B-Projectz, Rab-Beat, GVBBZ, Theiz, Trye, Spars, RiraN, Ssombo, Dark Rehab, Killstreak, LillyRazy, Regrave, Tania Ride, Calmani & Grey, Chad Clemens
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