With just 22 years old, Vasto is well on his way to become an established name in the RAW Hardstyle genre. Brought together by an immense feeling of friendship, VASTO and his friends created their label called APEX Records during PERIOD. Since then, they've been on a mission to let everybody join their brotherhood. Being a vital part of the APEX Records brotherhood and having multiple huge releases such as ‘Bassline Breaker’ (the album) with Scarra, his collab with the legendary Crypsis, and the ‘Digital Apocalypse’ EP, Vasto is ready to show his high-energy gated sound to the world! From premiering the first Vasto LIVE shows, packed with gated kicks at the Intents Fanaticz and Decibel Outdoor’s Extreme Raw, to performing overseas at EDC Mexico and having multiple bookings in