Latest Releases
House of Fifty Chills
Sascha C., Clarian Elfenberg, Rodriguez, El Fuente, Eklopega, Jeweil Balick, Móntrice Project, Autograph, Lilly Jordinlane, Peep Chills, Viken Catt, Suzan Valeron, Lara May, Wito Torres, Chacal X, R.f.n., Ramon Fuentes Nieto, Victor M., Hathaways, Ciro, Xpander 100, Modular Family, Lotus, Sabrina Schweitzer, Jazzy Nova, Lofty Right, Aron Gutt, Aleks Turtle, Pharell Hingans, El Ninjo, Edgar Willis, Jose Santonios, Brazil Inc Corp, One Cafe, Saxogirls, Tom Greyhair, Lara Sanchez, P.schulz, Avril Stevens, Mr. Peeet, Frio Chica, Jason Fryer, Cristoph Dusky, Jazz Chillerz, G8 Soulbrothers, Andrew Gravity, Liquid Kings, Crispy Boys, Timemasters
Yin & Yang: A Journey from Chill to Chill House
Lichtwandler, Remasters Of Love, The Sura Quintet, Coskun Umut Oruc, Rolf Bürgermeister, Pikomos, Debris of Theia, Mario Pinosa Trio, Space Native, Smooth Cafe Lounge, Kaycien Grey, Makia Blue, Sonnenburg, Acceptable Drunk, Joe Jog, Gamma Orionis, Helfau reload, Asteroid 385, Paco Borges Ensemble, Miller, Qbon, Nafets, Loungeside, Chacal X, Bahia de Roses, Michael Sturm, Mandala Fields, Fin Moyee, Tonystar, Syntheticsax, Axcel Lence, Patrick Jonsson, L.E.M., Cheap Sunglasses, Soulful-cafe, Brlyn, Carlo Peralta, Lost Heartbeat, Tom van Dash, Invisible Tune, Elastique V., Nando Fortunato, SPD, Niall Payne, OHM, Wolkenlos, Ikke Alra, Alex Nöthlich, Toni Pinetti, Sahara-Project, Adi Eric
Misch Masch - House Session
El Fuente, Clarian Elfenberg, Rodriguez, Jeweil Balick, Lilly Jordinlane, Autograph, Eklopega, Sascha C., Peep Chills, Suzan Valeron, Móntrice Project, Wito Torres, Chacal X, R.f.n., Victor M., Avril Stevens, One Cafe, Hathaways, Ciro, P.schulz, Xpander 100, Modular Family, Lofty Right, Cristoph Dusky
Cruse Control
Sonnenburg, Rey Salinero, ChillOne, Giulia Ballarini, Maoh, Mandala Fields, Loo.K., Elastique V., Rhythmphoria, TreePines Makdaf, Tosch, Jas0Kool, Paco Borges Ensemble, Lothar Porsche, DJ Moriarti, Pique Dame, Fabbro, Angel Falls, Dennis O'Neill, Aqua Mundi, Fascinating Case, The Sura Quintet, Gabor Deutsch, LPA City, Atilla Oguz, Aylin Strella, Silbermaus, Klöppner, Makia Blue, Chiffre 100, Ace of duty, Hic et Nunc, Enough Stickers, Collective Sound Members, Nico Rein, Mainy Aiuto, OHM, Eulenspiegel, Jano De Rhodos, Arnoon, Enna!, STOECKER, Vostok Divers, Koronisia, Sesion De Los Flores, Kusuma Orchestra, Ikke Alra, Kaxamalka, Asking Altotas, Alex Nöthlich, Chacal X, Ciro, Xpander 100, RONZONO, Klik & Frik, Dreabatz, Lisias Menelaos, Boglarkas Dorai, Sarkos Emotion
Cafe House: Chilled Afternoon House Grooves
Klöppner, Maoh, Mandala Fields, SPD, Niall Payne, Wolkenlos, Ikke Alra, Alex Nöthlich, Chacal X, Xpander 100, DeeBizness, Sunslade, Toni Pinetti, Soulful-cafe, Alu, Sahara-Project, Adi Eric, Max the Sax, Elmadon, Axcel Lence, Ivotion, Philipp Reichenbach, A.J.Over, Degreezero, Schwarz & Funk, Zinner & Orffee, Ron Ractive, Levin Scheips, Cedric Egli, LPA City, Babah, Panderma, Raven of Light, Deva Alchi, Crossing Colors, Zeitverschiebung, Tchilla, Starbud, Malin Hole, Proba Merx, Sugapop, Zad, Seddik, City Capture, Nemanja Basaric, Mephia, Men At Leisure
Seegeflüster: Chilled Vibes for Hot Summer Days
Gabor Deutsch, LPA City, Silbermaus, Arrojas, Ravigauly, Krishnamusic, Klöppner, Zirkadian Sender, Maoh, Mandala Fields, SPD, Niall Payne, Ace of duty, Hic et Nunc, Jano De Rhodos, Arnoon, Enna!, Vostok Divers, Koronisia, Sesion De Los Flores, Alu, DJ Van Wood, Adaptationes Mirabiles, Kusuma Orchestra, NFzero, Adrian Bonacker, Nico Rein, Chacal X, Sahara-Project, Adi Eric, Max the Sax, Ivotion, A.J.Over, Degreezero, Antonie Bolland, Schwarz & Funk, Cheap Sunglasses, Soul-ty, Kristina Supergenius, Alex Nöthlich, Crossing Colors, Filthy Rhodes, Eluana Nakoa, Lost Limits, Buddha Lounge DJs, Deva Alchi, Sugapop, Chiffre 100, Seddik, Oscar Stringz, Mephia, Men At Leisure, Lime and Shine, FL Acid
Chill & Grill 2019
Ace of duty, Hic et Nunc, Enough Stickers, Vostok Divers, Koronisia, Gleb Stotland, Lafoliedamour, Sesion De Los Flores, DJ Van Wood, Ed Mud, Wolkenlos, Maoh, Mandala Fields, Alu, Klöppner, Lothar Porsche, Kusuma Orchestra, Alex Nöthlich, Chiffre 100, Makia Blue, Adaptationes Mirabiles, Ikke Alra, Chacal X, Kivema, Toni Pinetti, Soulful-cafe, Sahara-Project, Sigrun II, Adi Eric, Max the Sax, Ivotion, Coco Basel, Philipp Reichenbach, Mind Conventions, Schwarz & Funk, Zinner & Orffee, LPA City, Babah, Kristina Supergenius, Deva Alchi, Zeitverschiebung, Eluana Nakoa