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Nu Acid Jazz Party For Your Aperitif
G.Pantelidis, Papik, Wendy D. Lewis, Vito Lalinga (Vi Mode Inc. Project), Pomante, Lehmanns Brothers, Jestofunk, Bebo Best, The Funk Soul Brothers, ERIN collective, Honeymunch, Nadyne Rush, Vincenzo Genovese, White Orcs, Sam Ruffillo, Black Mighty Wax, Andy Rise, Piero Masciarelli, Carlos Sarmiento, Marcello Surace, Bossa Nostra, David Florio, Vito Lalinga, Man Sueto, Walter Ricci, Paolo Marini Latin Jazz Combo, The Super Lounge Orchestra, Robertinho De Paula, Duzzy, Hammond Guru, Ivan Zuccarato, Dandy, Bodyles, D-Like
This Is Soul Lounge
Anduze, Black Mighty Wax, Andy Rise, Papik, Alan Scaffardi, The Soultrend Orchestra, Danny Losito, SLAMTWISTED, Wondress, Paolo Sessa, Ely Bruna, Lo Greco Bros, Flow Bop, Kenneth Bailey, Lostinwhite, David Florio, Sarah Jane Morris, Kaigo, Anna Fondi, Polose, Filippo Perbellini, LTJ Xperience, Gazzara, Marina Santelli, Sam Lorenzini, Frances Alina
The Best Songs Ever! (25 Unforgettable Hits in a New Lounge Version)
Sugarpie and the Candymen, Ely Bruna, Ludovico Valoroso, The Black Mighty Orchestra, Melania, Cocktail Martino, Bossa Nostra, Andy Rise, Fred Buccini, Sarah Jane Morris, Matteo Brancaleoni, Maestro Garofalo, Neja, Nu Braz, Banda Brasileira, D'Andy, Gazzara, Boogeyman, Papik, Zerosospiro, Ohm Guru, Erika Scherlin, Couture Chic
The Chill Out Spicy Night (Three Hot Hours of Enchanting Music)
Jestofunk, Black Mighty Orchestra, LTJ Xperience, John Type, United Peace Voices, Papik, Frequenze Vibrazionali, Gazzara, Zeb, Ely Bruna, Dust, D'Andy, Nepovero, Halibut, Melchior Sultana, Age Of Influence, Ohm Guru, DJ Ninfa, DJ Rodriguez, Silvia Donati, Arcoiris, Reseau, Pluton Kids, Couture Chic, Greenlab, Agostino Maria Ticino, Mysterious Traveller, LTJ Xperience, Sicania Soul, Cybophonia, X-Bass, Ivana Parnasso, Andy Rise, Fromwood
Valentinstag Kollektion (55 Lovesongs in einem glanzenden Cocktail Lounge Gewand)
Fred Buccini, LTJ-Xperience, Ely Bruna, Andy Rise, Gazzara, Neja, Couture Chic, Ohm Guru, Nerio, Mel, Zerosospiro, Erika Scherlin, Maestro Garofalo, Boogeyman, Dagmar's Collective, Banda Brasileira, 3 Is Odd, Aaron Tesser, The New Jazz Affair, Ludovico Valoroso, Ithamara Koorax, Papik, 2 Men 4 Soul, Sugarpie and the Candymen, Amana Melome, Mr Wolf, Ida Landsberg, Caterina Soldati, Christian Lisi, Matteo Brancaleoni, Key Tronics Ensamble, The Blue Hammock, Redsolution, Sarah Jane Morris, Soul Jazz Unit, Jestofunk, Zone, Double Dee
Valentine's Day Collection (55 Love Songs in a Shiny Cocktail Lounge Vein)
Fred Buccini, Andy Rise, Ely Bruna, Gazzara, Neja, Ohm Guru, LTJ-Xperience, Nerio, Mel, Erika Scherlin, Maestro Garofalo, Boogeyman, Dagmar's Collective, Caterina Soldati, Zerosospiro, 3 Is Odd, Aaron Tesser, The New Jazz Affair, Ludovico Valoroso, Ithamara Koorax, Papik, Banda Brasileira, Couture Chic, 2 Men 4 Soul, Sugarpie and the Candymen, Amana Melome, Mr Wolf, Ida Landsberg, Christian Lisi, Matteo Brancaleoni, Key Tronics Ensamble, The Blue Hammock, Redsolution, Sarah Jane Morris, Soul Jazz Unit, Jestofunk, Zone, Double Dee
San Valentino Collection (55 canzoni d'amore in atmosfera lounge)
Ely Bruna, Ohm Guru, Nerio, Boogeyman, Fred Buccini, Andy Rise, Mel, Erika Scherlin, LTJ-Xperience, Neja, Maestro Garofalo, Gazzara, Dagmar's Collective, Caterina Soldati, Zerosospiro, 3 Is Odd, Banda Brasileira, Aaron Tesser & The New Jazz Affair, Ludovico Valoroso, Ithamara Koorax, Papik, 2 Men 4 Soul, Sugarpie and the Candymen, Amana Melome, Mr Wolf, Ida Landsberg, Christian Lisi, Matteo Brancaleoni, Key Tronics Ensamble, The Blue Hammock, Redsolution, Sarah Jane Morris, Soul Jazz Unit, Jestofunk, Zone, Double Dee
Collection du jour de la Saint Valentin (55 chansons d'amour dans une ambiance feutree de bar a cocktail)
Fred Buccini, Andy Rise, Ely Bruna, Gazzara, Neja, Ohm Guru, LTJ-Xperience, Nerio, Mel, Erika Scherlin, Maestro Garofalo, Boogeyman, Dagmar's Collective, Caterina Soldati, Zerosospiro, 3 Is Odd, Aaron Tesser and The New Jazz Affair, Ludovico Valoroso, Ithamara Koorax, Papik, Banda Brasileira, Couture Chic, 2 Men 4 Soul, Sugarpie and the Candymen, Amana Melome, Mr Wolf, Ida Landsberg, Christian Lisi, Matteo Brancaleoni, Key Tronics Ensamble, The Blue Hammock, Redsolution, Sarah Jane Morris, Soul Jazz Unit, Jestofunk, Zone, Double Dee
The American Lounge Songbook (American Standard Songs in a Lounge Version)
Ludovico Valoroso, Andy Rise, Fred Buccini, Melania, Joao Donato, Palmyra & Levita, Nerio, Mel, Soul Jazz Unit, Hammond Express, Cocktail Martino, Matteo Brancaleoni, Maestro Garofalo, Ely Bruna, Black & Brown, Paolo Di Sabatino, Ithamara Koorax, Redsolution, Apollo Negri Funk Collective, Gazzara, Challenger, Capiozzo & Mecco, Orange Factory, Italian Secret Service
Erotic Lounge Session
Dom Um Romao, Gazzara, Papik, Fred Buccini, Black Mighty Wax, Cocktail Martino, Mel, Zerosospiro, Andy Rise, Boogeyman, Ely Bruna, Basterd Keaton, Bossa Nostra, LTJ Xperience, DN3, Belladonna, Dagmar's Collective, Banda Brasileira, D'Andy, LTJ-Xperience, Emanuelle, Amana Melome, Ithamara Koorax, United Peace Voices, Italian Secret Service, Agnese Manganaro
55 Lounge Soundtracks
Sepia, Ithamara Koorax, Bossa Nostra, Italian Secret Service, Sandro Comini, The Sagittarius Trio, Gazzara, Lumiere, Capiozzo, Mecco, Moz-Art, Angel.I.N.O, Orea Malia', Challenger, Montefiori Cocktail, Massimo Tagliata, The Shiffers, Orange Factory, Hammond Express, 12 Fingers, Bengi Jumping, JJ Vianello & The Soul Bullets, Musetta, Caterina Soldati, Ely Bruna, Ludovico Valoroso, Ohm Guru, Fred Buccini, Sugarpie and the Candymen, Joao Donato, Palmyra & Levita, Matteo Brancaleoni, Maestro Garofalo, Couture Chic, Banda Brasileira, Christian Lisi, St Project, Dagmar's Collective, Angelica, Karin Maria Andersson, Sam Paglia, Giorgia & Massimo Papasidero, Andy Rise
The Wine Lounge Selection, vol. 1 (Cocktail and Chillout Fashion Bar Music)
Double Dee, LTJ Xperience, Jestofunk, Italian Secret Service, Black Mighty Orchestra, Guido Nemola, Coppola, United Peace Voices, Big Mojo, Supabeatz, Ariano Kina, Cristian Stolfi, Sam Paglia, Silvia Donati, DJ Rodriguez, Orange Factory, Ninfa, Bossa Nostra, Papik, Ohm Guru, Playa Desnuda, The Truffle Tribe, Clan Greco, Basterd Keaton, Andy Rise
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