Met Slape is a 'Techno' and 'Elettronic Music' dj and producer.His name is Valerio Capuano, know in the past like "Valerio Kapuano". He was born in Naples, Italy in 1995.A self taught DJ who started play when he was only 10. He was attracted to the early type of consolle and synthetizer. He's got a very important catalogue of previous production which have never been relased, only avaiabled on his exsperimental set.Valerio Capuano lunched the "Met Slape" project in 2016 with the precondition to relase, in the following years, a big number of EP containing traces of recent and old time production, which was successful on italian dance oor and remained anonymously until today.He coperated with some labels in all parts of the world like:"Black Drop" from Ukraine, who relased