Latest Releases
Progressive Soul (Selected Rhythms Only)
Fashion Lovers, Sinful Mouth, Roberto Sylvester, Bank Of Sound, Manilla, Judy Burges, Joshika Tirojhi, Omar DJ, Basement 43, Minimind, Alphonso Shawn, Selby Napier, Housemaster Mario, Sonoric Groove, Tom Nigro, Marius Rainer, Anthony Kahxy, Elwood Eaton, Ema Buck, Archer Hibbins, Deconstructed, Lewis Kenzie, Full Philter, Sixt Groove, Shel Alton
Tech House Night Jet, Vol. 4
Michael Epps, Angel Moore, Cristian Matrix, Elios Key, Green Saphire, Aqua Tech, Steven Harper, North Soul, Absurd Bucket, De Laville, Paul Nunez, Titus Fereder, Steven Ward, Fran Guzman, Rachel Adams, Jeff Abraham, Sector One, Konte Rojo, Deep Rhythms, 2nd Rhythm, Barry Obzee, Paggi & Costanzi, Domenico Girolamo, Judy Burges, Synth X, Royal Rhythms, The Menthal Experience, Vince Tayler, Pablo Salinas, Carl Welsh
Sound Festival (The Tech House Edition), Vol. 4
Beautiful Dreams, Domenico Girolamo, Rhythm O' Tronik, Gringo Starr, Pasta Grooves, Judy Burges, Kalibro, Tek No Logic, Markus Shaeger, Synth X, American DJ, Micky La Freak, Allister Whitehead, Dan Mckie, Steven Mendes, Royal Rhythms, New World, Brisboys, Aaron Foster, The Menthal Experience, K Mion, Martin Young, Aaron Kyler, Vince Tayler, Lutto Ross, Rachel Adams, Gadom, Pablo Salinas, Albert Voyeurt, Morth Moon, Nic&Peter, Carl Welsh
Fifty Shades of Tech House, Vol. 1
Markus Shaeger, James Newton, The Sound of Maratea, Leon Nacio, Jason Powers, Kandito, Robert Lee, London Boy, Ron Castle, Hoo Rook, The Menthal Experience, Rony Askott, Judy Burges, Onda Quadra, 2nd Rhythm, Malcom Vicious, The Fissure, North Soul, Royal Rhythms, Dominique La Roche, Jeff Abraham, Bastian Sander, Nabana, 5thX, K Mion, Mory Gun, Quasar Jump, Cristian Matrix, Nancy, Mike Kennedy, Phono Display, Ripe Loco, Noah Hardy, Steven Ward, Jason Lucas, Anthony Maserati, Smooth Revenge, Orange Grooves, Light Data, Allan Murray, Club Culture, 77 Qbik, Aqua Tech, Lee Kongo, Victor Secada, Brain 500, Henry Wright, Pasta Grooves, City Beats, Drake Man, Arthur Grey
Fireflies (The Tech House Series), Vol. 3
Deep Rhythms, Alexander Dolce, Henry Wright, Michael Epps, Jonathan de Groot, Harry Fraser, Albert Voyeurt, Ema Buck, Victor Secada, Logan Short, Jeff Abraham, Heart Of Indi, Jason Army, 5th Elements, Punk Of Indi, The Counterfeit, Aqua Tech, Generic Calf, Kandito, Rope Police, Luan Pereira, Alyssa Jones, London Boy, Kalibro, Quasar Jump, World Groove, Steven Harper, Judy Burges, The Sound of Maratea, Beat Rockers, James Flynn, Steven Ward, Las Vegas Boys, Adrien Norton, Jason Brody, Alpha Martin, North Soul, Kubo, Phantom, Black Bike, El Ritmo Duro, Jason Ortiz, North Rhythms, Black Jag, Andrew Ortega, Chris Night, Jeff Basic, Cold Zone, Carson Begum, Black Gammon
Get Your Groove On (The Tech House Edition), Vol. 4
Brian Stellar, Paul Nunez, Malcom Vicious, Alexander Dolce, John Simmons, Bobby Miller, Light Data, The Scientist, Jonathan de Groot, Miles Spiller, James Flynn, Ace Poker, Carson Begum, Norman Bee, Jack Kimiko, Kit Dixon, Silver City, Alpha Martin, Tetzuya Tokyo, Angel Moore, Stephan Gaertig, Beat Rockers, Kalibro, Cristian Matrix, Jason Ortiz, Absurd Bucket, Carl Welsh, Bob Stevens, Broad Memory, Judy Burges, 2nd Rhythm, The Fissure, Kandito, Markus Shaeger, London Boy, Ron Castle, Aaron Kyler, Rope Police, Wise Bush, Sydney Rutledge
Beats Selection (Progressive Tech Beats Only)
Garenki, Green Planet, Kyle Boerboom, Sydney Rutledge, Fresh Piracy, The Versus Kosher, Recycled Vegas, Peter Ponno, Selby Napier, Lewis Kenzie, Alphonso Shawn, Sonoric Groove, Roberto Silvester, Large Sorrow, Matthew Layton, William Manfredi, The Scented Misfit, Sinful Mouth, Slag Of The Fact, Art Mallory, Phat Fine, Hideous Nose, Lumpy Balls, Damned Nape, Judy Burges, Sairus Kube, Runner Flat, 1st Groove, 4th Progression, Black Jag
Progressive Mood
Hideous Nose, Judy Burges, Invader Buckle, Thout Incline, Super Sky, Cassandra Hutch, Large Sorrow, Stopping Receiver, Taylor Ember, Lumpy Balls, Slag Of The Fact, Matthew Layton, Sinful Mouth, Phat Fine, Roberto Silvester, Probe Of Expired, The Fissure, William Manfredi, Cast Monster, The Scented Misfit, Daniele Canali, Archer Hibbins, Daron Potze
4th Dimension (Progressive House Selection)
Fabrice Redd, Anthony Maserati, Doctor Prog, Alexis Cyprus, Play, Dubb, Donnantonio Cabreras, Runner Flat, The Models, Sairus Kube, Saturn 15, Sound of Virgins, Progression Blue, Chrome Inc, Tony Roja, House Gamblers, Justin Vix, House Screen, John Boss, Hideous Nose, Lumpy Balls, Damned Nape, Judy Burges, Art Mallory, Phat Fine, Shel Alton
Renegade Master (The Tech House Edition), Vol. 2
Danny Schreiber, North Rhythms, Makxim Volkov, Beautiful Dreams, Gordon Garcia, Tektronik 88, Onda Quadra, Rony Askott, The Sound of Maratea, Leon Nacio, Anthony Maserati, Markus Shaeger, London Boy, Ron Castle, Hoo Rook, Robert Lee, Sector One, Bryce Tyler, Shooting Star, Victor King, One Beat, Titus Fereder, Aaron Kyler, Konte Rojo, Glen Zeph, Kandito, Heaven 32, Deep Rhythms, Cathy Norris, Mistique 70, World Groove, Frank Ortega, Quasar Jump, The Joker, Nabana, Kubo, Steven Harper, Jon T. Jones, Silver City, Broad Memory, Judy Burges, 2nd Rhythm, The Fissure, Jeff Abraham, The Menthal Experience, Royal Rhythms, Bastian Sander, 5th Elements, Dominique La Roche, Malcom Vicious
Ultimate Ibiza, Vol. 2 (50 Tech House Tunes)
The Preacher, Logan Short, Gordon Garcia, Michael Epps, Edo Romani, The Cowboy Activity, Liquor Xanax, Harry Fraser, Plastic Ghost, Albert Voyeurt, Ema Buck, Daniel Murphy, Rope Police, Petimat Vedzizhev, Punk Of Indi, Thom Madera, Jason Army, Full Philter, Someone Blitz, The Counterfeit, Ryan Collier, Generic Calf, Spilled Knight, Kandito, Nabana, Luan Pereira, Royal Rhythms, Alyssa Jones, Onda Quadra, The Sound of Maratea, Robert Lee, London Boy, Heaven 32, Deep Rhythms, Shooting Star, 5th Elements, Aaron Kyler, Kubo, Titus Fereder, Quasar Jump, Cathy Norris, World Groove, Frank Ortega, Steven Harper, Silver City, Judy Burges, The Fissure, Jeff Abraham
Tech House Caballeros, Vol. 5
Leeroy Peters, 5th Elements, Voon Choon, Kay Wolf, Steven Harper, Heaven 32, Cathy Norris, Jeff Abraham, Frank Ortega, Silver City, London Boy, Judy Burges, The Fissure, Royal Rhythms, Nabana, Titus Fereder, Quasar Jump, Deep Rhythms, Onda Quadra, The Sound of Maratea, Kandito, Robert Lee, Shooting Star, Kubo, Aaron Kyler
Tech Attack (Tech House Bombs), Vol. 1
Angel Moore, Arthur Grey, Gadom, Beautiful Dreams, Shooting Star, Samuel Senior, Brain 500, Pasta Grooves, Bob Stevens, Paul Nunez, The Boss, Rhythm O' Tronik, Heaven 32, Hindu Horacle, Deep Rhythms, Gringo Starr, Absurd Bucket, Red Factor, Someone Blitz, Ron Castle, Judy Burges, City Beats, Paul Till Torres, Chrome Inc, The Menthal Experience
Ministry of Tech House (50 Supreme Tunes), Vol. 1
Titus Fereder, Aaron Foster, Sector One, Frank Cole, Kandito, The Sound of Maratea, Shooting Star, Red Factor, Dave Morrison, Peter Boss, Michael Epps, Smooth Revenge, Tek No Logic, Allan Murray, Paul Till Torres, Frost Man, Club Culture, 5th Element, Silver City, Jade Bee, Kubo, Cristian Matrix, Moore Gregoire, Kit Dixon, Chris Night, Black Gammon, Samuel Senior, Pablo Salinas, Hindu Horacle, Tetzuya Tokyo, Drake Man, Jason Army, The Fissure, Broad Memory, Markus Shaeger, Absurd Bucket, Ron Castle, James Flynn, Cathy Norris, Percy Kelly, Steven Ward, One Beat, Judy Burges, Rachel Adams, The Boss, Jason Ortiz, Andrew Conte, Steven Mendes, New World, Traumfabrik
Tech House Division (25 Selected Super Hits), Vol. 3
Jon T. Jones, Royal Rhythms, The Menthal Experience, Steven Pine, Heaven 32, The Sound of Maratea, Gold Rake, London Boy, Kandito, Shooting Star, Red Factor, Onda Quadra, Frank Ortega, Peter Boss, Sector One, James Flynn, Broadway Corona, Steven Ward, Cristian Matrix, The Fissure, Judy Burges, Cathy Norris, Broad Memory, Silver City, Absurd Bucket
This Is My Church, Vol. 4 (The Tech House Edition)
Deep Rhythms, Beautiful Dreams, Cathy Norris, Mistique 70, World Groove, Tektronik 88, Frank Ortega, The Joker, Steven Harper, Jon T. Jones, Silver City, Broad Memory, Judy Burges, 2nd Rhythm, The Fissure, Anthony Maserati, Jeff Abraham, The Menthal Experience, Royal Rhythms, Bastian Sander, 5th Elements, Dominique La Roche, Nabana, Malcom Vicious, Quasar Jump
Silencio Del Mar (25 Anthems of Electronic Breeze), Vol. 3
Jason Allison, Smiling People, Step Assembly, X Logic, Broad Memory, Maniak, Jedi Resistor, Steven Miller, Naughty Record, Alexander Del Rio, Dexter Morrison, Michael Dumont, Trusting Rooster, Sean McPherson, Elusive Gutter, Audrey Langston, Orbiting Horsefly, Yellow Deduction, Solace Lipstick, Allison Fox, Purely Psycho, Dexter Matthews, Judy Burges, Blue Epitaphs, Heather Jefferson
Tech and Only (25 Amazing Tech House Bombs), Vol. 4
The Fissure, New World, Broad Memory, Silver City, Sector One, Markus Shaeger, Absurd Bucket, Titus Fereder, Ron Castle, Cristian Matrix, Percy Kelly, Steven Ward, One Beat, Judy Burges, Traumfabrik, Rachel Adams, The Boss, Kit Dixon, Jason Ortiz, Andrew Conte, Tek No Logic, Steven Mendes, James Flynn, Kubo, Cathy Norris
Progressive Celebration
Judy Burges, Dreaded Mine, Basil Of The Indie, Probe Of Expired, Art Mallory, Damned Nape, Breeze Canticle, Invader Buckle, Thout Incline, Large Sorrow, Matthew Layton, Phat Fine, Slag Of The Fact, Roberto Silvester, Sinful Mouth, Stopping Receiver, Super Sky, Taylor Ember, The Fissure, The Scented Misfit, Third Deed, William Manfredi, Lumpy Balls, Allan Poplar, Hideous Nose
Temple Of Electronic Music (25 Beautiful Beats), Vol. 1
DJ Nuke, Alex Dark Noise, 82 talking, DJ Dope, Frequency Shine, Naughty Record, Shocker Of Geek, Vegas of Ruptured, Jason Allison, The Recessive Endorsement, Hideous Physics, Troy Sawyer, Terry Morgan, Solace Lipstick, Judy Burges, Timothy Winters, Yves Chang, Mory Gun, Probed Glimpse, Maniak, Grey Lotion, Dave Morrison, Alpha Carpet, Terry Jefferson, Roberto Silvester
Ibiza Underground, Vol. 3
Drake Man, Phono Display, Noah Hardy, Bob Stevens, Mory Gun, Broadway Corona, James Flynn, Carl Welsh, Absurd Bucket, Dave Morrison, Cristian Matrix, Judy Burges, Ripe Loco, Jason Lucas, City Beats, Beat Rockers, Berlin Groove, Arthur Grey, Broad Memory, Aqua Tech, 77 Qbik, Henry Wright, Brain 500, Victor Secada, Alexander Dolce
Musica Electronica, Vol. 4
Neil Caine, Sean McPherson, James Jefferson, Absurd Bucket, James Flynn, Grey Lotion, Hideous Physics, Judy Burges, Timothy Winters, Roberto Silvester, Outlook Kick, Michelle Pettengill, Johnny Cunningham, Aerial Revision, Audrey Langston, Broad Memory, Widows Tongue, Steven Ward, Kevin McGee, Trusting Rooster
Electric Circus, Vol. 3
Forging Sleeve, Steven Ward, Jason Da Costa, Kevin McGee, Yves Chang, Trusting Rooster, Hideous Physics, Johnny Cunningham, Probed Glimpse, Michelle Pettengill, Neil Caine, Art Mallory, Paul Foster, Sean McPherson, Winged Coast, James Flynn, Grey Lotion, Spur Of Uniform, The Scented Misfit, Allan Cohen, David Michael Matthews, Judy Burges, Susan Copeland, Timothy Winters, Roberto Silvester, Sad Volunteer, Outlook Kick, Taylor Amber, James Jefferson, Yellow Deduction
Progressive Sampler
Allan Poplar, Art Mallory, Basil Of The Indie, Breeze Canticle, Damned Nape, Dreaded Mine, Hideous Nose, Invader Buckle, Judy Burges, Large Sorrow, Lumpy Balls, Matthew Layton, Phat Fine, Probe Of Expired, Roberto Silvester, Sinful Mouth, Slag Of The Fact, Stopping Receiver, Super Sky, Taylor Ember, The Fissure, The Scented Misfit, Third Deed, William Manfredi, Thout Incline