
Forming a sound bot h familiar and foreign, exist ing int he hours of t he day where you allow your head t oopen, relax, and reinvent , Cyanwave creat es postwarehouse rhyt hms layered wit h capt ured audio anddub soundscapes.Imbuing t he spirit t hat creat ed t heNort hwest , home of refugees and advent urers,Cyanwave’s hypnot ic journey t akes t he list ener fromt he dance floor t o t he headphones and back around.Wit h no final dest inat ion, t he aim is explorat ion it self.The hybrid sound of Cyanwave is t he result of react ionand reint erpret at ion of t he duo’s cont rast ingbackgrounds; Just in Byrnes from a hist ory as leadguit arist in rock bands in

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