Cosovo a.k.a Youssef Hachicha is an underground and talented TechnoDJ/producing artist from Tunisia who can puzzle together intangible moods witha direct approach via his music productions. His creativity and innateunderstanding of people: what they sense, what they feel, what they want toimagine, is a part of what distinguishes him from other DJs and music producersas he has a passion for acquiring inspiration from the sounds surrounding hislife, therefore, his music caters for both body and soul, his sights set well into thefuture and he is focused on the continual growth and development of hisproductions, far from the musical stereotypes and chasing new trends with afascination to craft brilliance with a new noise.Cosovo has already managed to sign many tracks with multiple different labelssuch as Neologism, PitchBend Recordings, Minimum Addiction, See