Camel Light

Camel Light is an artistic name of brazilian electronic musician Isnaldo Santos. The young man from Bahia is actually more of a reserved type, who prefers to stand behind his decks and let his music speak.The Camel Light project was founded in 2015 and since then has shown a lot of quality and repertoire.He has released several albums (Ethno) for the German label Upward Records, (Adrenaline) for Unimuse Records of Sweden, (Neverland and Namastasyai) for Eclipse Records of Serbia / USA, where he entered the TOP 100 PSYTRANCE World of BEATPORT. Camel Light has a strong musicality, with the unmistakable sonority that gives him fame wherever he goes, makes each presentation an indescribable experience, new ideas come out of his mind and begin to let the crowd dance.

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