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PRSPCT Best Of 2019
DJ Hidden, Somniac One, Meander, Counterstrike, Synthakt, Thrasher, [KRTM], Coco Bryce, Hellfish, Sinister Souls, Sei2ure, FFF, Deformer, Shaydie, The Satan, Tim Tama, Dolphin, Adamant Scream, High Rankin, Tantrum.Today, Akira, Bryan Fury, Switch Technique, Deathmachine, The 3Eyed, Tommy The Cat, The Dead Cvlt, Rogue, Ansome, Hallucinator, MC Braincase, Shadow Sect, Lucy Furr, Erre, Loop Stepwalker, DJAssassin, Limewax, Apzolut, MC Goatzak, Broken Code
I S R 25 No Tears for the Dead
Moaan Exis, Demanufacturer, Broken Code, DJ Dano, System 3, Lisa Serenity Blundell, Stormtrooper, Satronica, Dr. Strange, Dep Affect, Splinter Cell, Matt Green, Mr. Madness, Innovative, Sei2ure, Fiend, Tymon, Dither, Jason Little, Encrypter, Strobcore, [crisis], Warhorn, Fail2Comply, Dave Dope, DJ Apathy, Unexist, Nasenbluten, Stinger, Kader, Mathlovsky, Angel, C-Netik, Nonexistent, Lenny Dee, A-Kriv, J-Roon & Kosmix, Tugie, Sandy Warez, Archon, Deadly Buda, Savage, MC Fantom, GRIGIO, Dread, Delta 9, DJ Terror, Tooms, Nuke, Ogm909, X-duxt, Sonicore, Braincrash, Cap, CIK, Nutype, Betty Haze, Hard Dogs, Rob Gee, Baxta, Danny C, Hybridonhard, Ambassador21, DJ Skinhead, Nevermind, DJ Narotic, ISR Crew
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