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PRSPCT Worst Of 2023
Doormouse, Dolphin, S. Murk, Krytika, Ritchie Gambino, Densha Crisis, Limewax, Slave To Society, Coco Bryce, Apzolut, Neurocore, FFF, Strange Arrival, R-Zac, Krista Bourgeois, Mike Redman, Tripped, Deathmachine, Kilbourne, Counterstrike, Sinister Souls, DJ TORTURHYTHM, Zkulptortrax, Starving Insect, Blockdata, Miyuki Omura, Hellfish, Lucy Furr, Shadow Sect
Thunderdome 2023 - Xtreme Audio
Mad Dog, Nosferatu, Anime, Angerfist, Dither, The Viper, Tha Playah, Neophyte, Miss K8, Furyan, Januskopf, Audiofreq, Predator, Hellsystem, Paul Elstak, Deadly Guns, The Satan, Trespassed, Soulblast, Manifest Destiny, Bulletproof, N-Vitral, EZG, Major Conspiracy, Juliëx, MC Robs, Angernoizer, D-Fence, Drokz, Broken Minds, The Outside Agency, Zerberuz, Athenalys, Detest, eDUB, Hellfish, Nagazaki, Lenny Dee, Promo, Ophidian, Hysta, Boogshe, Level One, Never Surrender, Brutaal, Remzcore, Radium, The Sequel, Spitnoise, Partyraiser, S-KILL, Barber, Hixxy, Sharkey, Dr. Peacock, Hellcreator
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