Musical project “Black & White” was organized in 2008 (28th June) by DJ’s Zmyc and Giovanni Prada and with vocalist TANITA. In separate performance Zmyc and Giovanni Prada are called as Bi & DAblju. A lot of people can ask themselves, what it is Bi & DAblju? the meaning of “Bi” is the transcription of letter “B” – first letter of the word “Black”. The meaning “DAblju” is the transcription of letter “W”, the word “White“ begins with this letter. Zmislinskiy Denis (Zmyc) and Arzhannikov Ivan (Giovanni Prada) are DJs and producers. THESE people are one of the founders of “Miracles Music”, resident of radio “PROJECT FM” and the organizers of “After-party kaZantip” in Krivoy Rog. They develop the active club culture in the town and contribute