While carefully handling their respective careers, postponing then their obvious collaboration, Möd3rn trio's members have capitalized its desire and now deliver its mere substance, in the rightest moment, where, simply, all the distant forces converge. The six daring, expert hands merge now into a unique entity, unanimously moving within the same effort towards techno music. Of the distinct identities merely remains the ethereal, synthetic essence devoted to the group, and the common musical passion that leads it.T he formula is elaborated freely: each one's adjunctions - subtle keys, nervous chords, underground blows, rhythmical uproars- pour into a thick maelstrom, opaque, condensing Detroit's grieving sensibilities as well as last decade's bewildering cacophonies. The potion obtained is irresistible, an ecstatic hybrid, prodigiously actual, that renders all the genre's diversity and dynamism.Chance intertwined