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Poolside Dubai 2016
Mark Knight, Weiss (UK), NY's Finest, Solution, Cloud 9, Jake Island, Sharam Jey, Todd Terry, The Gypsymen, Tough Love, Amtrac, Bontan, Cuts Deep, Martine Girault, Doorly, dAVOS, DJ Rae, Illyus & Barrientos, Mediate, Good Night Keaton, Mereki, Arcade 82, Apres, Grand Puba, Mighty Mi, Herve, Saison, Lars Vegas, Cleavage, Bearcubs, Jason Burns, FDF (Italy), Jakwob, Hife, KlangKuenstler, Pat Lok, Desiree Dawson, Playless, Long & Harris, Beth Hirsch, SanXero, Roter & Lewis, Linier, Nihil Young, Valentina Black, 7th Star, Nathan Brumley, Firat Radi, Yalcin Lacin, Boys Get Hurt, Polvo Disco, WMNSTUDIES, WASPY, 5 Reasons, Sunhatch, Masters, Various Artists
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