Sabrina Mue

Sabrina Mue from Berlin made her debut appearance with “Breakaway” in 2014 on Katermukke, one of the German Capital’s best known House imprints. The track was made with Lars Moston, with whom she also released “We Used To Dance” and “Don’t You Want Me” on WellDone! Music, which got her noticed by some big names, including Claptone, who featured the track on his famous Clapcast. A release on the famous Bar25 label soon followed and a brand new EP on Katermukke, also alongside Lars Moston, is coming out in April. Between playing more and more high profile gigs in Germany as well as internationally, Sabrina is now preparing the next step and producing solo material.Expect to see one of Sabrina’s DJ sets at a club near you...

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