
In the past year, Royce&Tan have made it clear that they are oneDJ/Producer duo to keep your eyes on. T hey were picked among ahandful of producers in Canada to create a track for Bud Light andSensation White Canada, as well as the winners of the ABSOLUT Vodka’smashup competition. Their first release “Atlantis” has been passedaround internationally and has gained the support from many of theirpeers as well as being included on Virgin Radio’s Clubaholics rotation.The two have also taken it into their own hands to start “PranksterProductions” a label in which has already started building a catalog ofmusic by many reputable, and up-and-coming artists that is sure to takethe industry by storm.The duo joined forces in 2011 and their growth has been nothing short ofexponential. T hey’re known for

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