Marc Houle

While the global EDM scene still debates the merits of“pressing play,” techno veteran Marc Houle has beenwowing audiences for over a decade with a liveperformance that is constantly evolving night after night, incity after city, at clubs and festivals worldwide. T he skill andeffort that goes into creating these truly “live” sets is theresult of an entire lifetime dedicated to electronic music anda deep love of the machines that make it.Raised adjacent to Detroit in Windsor, Ontario, in the samefertile music community that spawned his former label bossand mentor Richie Hawtin, Houle’s obsession with electronicsounds goes back to the noise of ’80s video games andvintage synthesizers. And while too many electronic artistsuse their machines as merely tools of convenience, Houleregards his with a dedication found in few producers.T he results

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