Eliana Cabrera, also known as Ima Vikk Dj / Producer, is in uenced by artists such as Darmec, Matt Mus, 2bee, among others. Her style within the technique is a combination of dark and enveloping sounds, bringing the net style of the technique to its maximum expression. She has achieved great recognition within the scene sharing cockpit with great djs like Miss ADK, Diego Cid, Magoo, May Mc Lauren, Xhei, L'Inspecteur, Jam-on, Carlos Ruiz, Pandy, among others. She has gone through booths of recognized clubs in Buenos Aires such as La Capilla, Requiem, Vox, among others and has participated in recognized cycles such as Kobold, Submerged, TCQ, Minelek, El Galpon Techno, Pulse, just to name a few. .She has edited on labels such as Up And At'em (national) TOXIC RECORDINGS