Wander Neto, is behind the innovative project 'Dual Logic'. Born on June 2, 1987 in Brazil, he began his career in 2002 as 'Dj Set' playing 'PsyTrance' in respected events throughout the region. Soon after several presentations in numerous parties, in 2006 Wander began to produce some songs in his computer, at that time the 'Dj' already had all the necessary inspiration of the 'Trance' and other styles that he used to listen. After a long work in partnership with his brother 'Guilherme' (Dj and producer of the electronic music with the project 'Hyper Noise') set up his first studio. Still at the end of 2006 they released their first 'Live-Act', which earned them fame and prestige among the artistic medium of electronic music in Brazil and with this they both obtained more strength