Latest Releases
Cinnamon Bar Grooves (40 Lounge Spices), Vol. 1
Soullife, 5Th Groove, Titus Koibra, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Wet Elements, Alexandre Mark, Port Grimaud Project, Slow Rhythms, Michel Haimann, Backsoul System, Slow Motion Cafe, Square 22, Total System, Seventy Moods, Roca Rubia, Victor Quantum, Twin Lovers, Blue Sofa, Ron Sander, Winter Academy, Stacey Keys, Jimmy Mason, Moon System, Essence Lovetrip, Soul Brothers, London Gate, Edison Morris, Atmospherical 45, Cut Groove, Bennie Cullen, Woody Fran, Count Of Montecristo, Jerry Majenza, Lalo Narciso, Keith Goodwin, Winfred Alpha, Den Wood, Mr. Moonlight, Red Sea Grooves, The Contact Project
Our Island (The Sunset Edition), Vol. 4
Pharell Mosley, Christos Fourkis, Mo'jardo, Florito, Roberto Sol, Sandra, Marc Hartman, Arnold Harris, Kamill Le Jarvin, The Ghetto Project, PNFA, Dub Mars, Kolby Wade, Freak Owls, Liquid Groove, Paul Liner, Free South Project, One Groove Ensemble, Zero Groove, Platinum Style, Suspension 6, Vip Pass, The Grand Groove, Kurt Roberts, North Zone, Elton Dumont, Cut Groove, Eldon De Baker, Yamato Ojo, Total System, K Grooves, Matt Petteney, The Contact Project, Mark Jamson, Sofa Grooves, Miyabi, Worldbeat, Martin Volk, Square 22, Backsoul System, Lalo Narciso, Blake Bakker, Edison Morris, Geff Yallow, Blue Sky, Stacey Keys, Rudolph Dominique, Coffee Time, Mediterranean Soul, Fluttuance 5, Seventy Moods, Midnight Lovers, Atmospherical 45, Bassogroove Project
Moonlight Daiquiri (Beautiful Lounge Cocktails)., Vol. 1
K. Grooves, Art Martin, Vip Pass, Lalo Narciso, Endless Blue, The Grand Groove, Continental Jazz Ensemble, Yves Semain, Ethos Senko, Lorenz Freddy, Suspension 6, Yves St. Pierre, Phantasia Motel, Kamill Le Jarvin, Ryan Wendell, Alexandre Mark, Gina Lolla, Martin Volk, Paul Liner, One Groove Ensemble, Zero Groove, Rudolph Dominique, Kurt Roberts, Fluttuance 5, Planet Sun, Markus Lotus, Atmospherical 45, North Zone, Bassogroove Project, Den Gordy, Yives St. Lick, Caanall Groove, Blake Bakker, Edison Morris, Geff Yallow, Bradley Young, Yamato Ojo, 5Th Groove, Arnold Harris, Blue Sky, Chill Factory, Coolgrooves, Coffee Time, Fifth Groove, Chill Ars Project, Elton Dumont, Den Wood, Cut Groove, Backsoul System, The Contact Project, Count Of Montecristo
Love of My Life (Lounge Sweethearts), Vol. 3
Yves St. Pierre, Ethos Senko, Lorenz Freddy, Kamill Le Jarvin, Ryan Wendell, Suspension 6, Alexandre Mark, Gina Lolla, Cut Groove, Yves Semain, Phantasia Motel, Martin Volk, Chill Factory, The Contact Project, 5Th Groove, Coffee Time, Fifth Groove, Taylor Young, Count Of Montecristo, Ace Miller, Elton Dumont, Den Wood, Fluttuance 5, Coolgrooves, Atmospherical 45, Backsoul System, Chill Ars Project, Yamato Ojo, Blake Quinn, Dean Wright, Alden Martinez
Chillout Voyage (35 Relaxin' Beats)
Sheldon Correira, Felix Richardson, Omega Oliveira, Vin Laine, Carl Kennedy, Seven Heaven, Elton Dumont, Cut Groove, Matt Petteney, Fifth Groove, Mark Jamson, South Dreams, Dennis Bailey, Flip Segers, Chaz Nelson, Cree Smets, Stewart Ferreira, Holden Butler, Gall Denis, Ernest Evans, Anthony Smit, Arthur King, Gore Fontaine, Jacob Powell, Jamey Foster, Dominique Falk, Midnight Lovers, Jonic Elements, London Gate, The Blue Sofa, Blue Castle, Paul Liner, Twin Lovers, Alexandre Mark, Soullife
Sunset People, Vol. 1 (The Lounge Edition)
Ethos Senko, Yves Semain, Edison Morris, Lorenz Freddy, Yves St. Pierre, Yives St. Lick, Kamill Le Jarvin, Caanall Groove, Ryan Wendell, Suspension 6, Endless Blue, Alexandre Mark, Gina Lolla, Phantasia Motel, Martin Volk, K Grooves, Paul Liner, One Groove Ensemble, Rudolph Dominique, Atmospherical 45, Coolgrooves, Kurt Roberts, Next Project, Lalo Narciso, Fifth Groove, Continental Jazz Ensemble, Yamato Ojo, Markus Lotus, Chill Ars Project, Planet Sun, North Zone, Bassogroove Project, Den Gordy, Blake Bakker, Zero Groove, Elton Dumont, Geff Yallow, Bradley Young, Mediterranean Soul, Arnold Harris, Blue Sky, Art Martin, Chill Factory, The Contact Project, Count Of Montecristo, 5Th Groove, Coffee Time, Backsoul System, Den Wood, Cut Groove, Fluttuance 5
Sky Bar Lounge, Vol. 3
Pep LladA, Key Of Dreams, Tim Sagarro, Cut Groove, Supa Quartet, Look Right, The Loungers, Cafe' Ibiza, Florito, Roberto Sol, F.Q.P., Paolo Diaz, Alien Cafe, Karl Locca, Mr. Vaud, Cafe 24h, Kinoa, Pier Green, Alteria, Svendaq, K Deep, Armando Gomez, Lisa, Sonydo, Breakfast Brothers, Takt 3, MD Project
Balearic Lounge Cookies, Vol. 3
Cesar Mendez, Mind In Motion, Franca Sanchez, Chill Ars Project, Atmospherical 45, Palinuro Groovers, Danny Hay, 5Th Groove, Count Of Montecristo, Maurice Sanders, Mediterranean Soul, Liquid Groove, Art Martin, Nocturne Chill, Cut Groove, New Tango Rhythms, Flavas, Nightbar, Eldon De Baker, Lazy Evans, Fluttuance 5, Blue Sky, The Contact Project, Backsoul System, Kay Love
Cinderella, Vol. 1 (50 Lovely Lounge Cookies)
Manyus Joan Eta, Arnold Harris, Yves Semain, Marc Hartman, Gabor Deutsch, Kasa Juli, Kamill Le Jarvin, Endless Blue, Platinum Style, Den Gordy, PNFA, Markus Lotus, Liquid Groove, Atmospherical 45, Paul Liner, K. Grooves, Free South Project, Lenny Mac Dowell, Zero Groove, Xemplify, Suspension 6, Phantasia Motel, The Grand Groove, Caanall Groove, Pharell Mosley, Lorenz Freddy, Kurt Roberts, Continental Jazz Ensemble, North Zone, Edison Morris, The Ghetto Project, Coolgrooves, Dub Mars, Art Martin, The Contact Project, 5Th Groove, Vip Pass, Maurice Sanders, Elton Dumont, Van, Cut Groove, Maximilian Cox, Eldon De Baker, Michel Haimann, Yamato Ojo, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Total System, Slow Rhythms, Matt Petteney, Gall Denis, Mark Jamson
Aperitif Lounge (New York Sunset Edition)
The Oceanic Duo, The Docks, Loris Piron, Avenue 8, Maximum Lounge, Studio Chill, Diego Ferrari, South Soul, Simon Cini, Lounge Lovers, 5Th Groove, The Blue Rose, Raffika Dionisio, Ale B, Coming Again, The Z Man, L Mind, Genius Two, Fausti, Mauri J, Simon Ciny, Dan Haany, L.O.S.I, Cotton Lovers, DOC, Itb Sea, Magic Mike, The Russo Groove, North Town, Olimpo, Monsieur Lechat, Montecarlo Dream, Look Right, RD Project, PP Tone, The Sunset Team, The Red Lounge, Ruggero DJ, Ta Yar, P Project, S Car, DJ Origami, The X Lounge, Den Gordy, Blake Jerold, Lalo Narciso, Bennie Cullen, Louis Camberra, Chaz Nelson, Winfred Alpha, Ryan Wendell, Woody Fran, Ther Contact Project, Suspension 6, Makina Jane, Cosmique Beats, Soullife, Interior Beats, Petite Boutique, Titus Koibra, Twin Lovers, Jonic Elements, The Blue Sofa, Spherical Eyes, Dominique Falk, Victor Quantum, Don Solaris, Markus Hillfinstein, Ronny Starr, Alexius Gabrikov, Soul Brothers, Natural Factor, Nakiro Namoto, Port Grimaud Project, Jerry Majenza, Cosmique Beat Ensemble, Tom Lojo, Larry Gee, Gt 55, Soul Frequency, Takashi Yomu, Ron Sander, Planet Sun, Red Sea Grooves, Moon System, Edison Morris, Maximilian Cox, Seven Heaven, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Blake Bakker, Arnold Harris, Cut Groove, Elton Dumont, Jesse Jones
Soft Light Chillout (100 Tracks)
Anthony Smith, Bennie Smith, Art Doherty, Brad Lee, Bob De Wit, Ambrose Wilson, Booker O'Neill, Billy Anderson, Benjamin White, Alvar Davis, Barney Green, Phill Dias, Oscar Barros, Vince Jimenez, Waldo Munoz, Sheldon Correira, Ricky Jones, Xavier Salo, Brad Moore, Scot Navarro, Zach Fernandez, Otis King, Felix Richardson, Eldon De Backer, Chuck Mertens, Ian Ortis, Omega Oliveira, Jasper Price, Lockie Rogers, Glenn Edwads, Julian Cruz, Nigel Scott, Vin Laine, Bennie Bos, Bastian Clark, Waldo Martinez, Spike Melo, Ralf Harris, Carl Kennedy, Flip Segers, Connor Evans, Albert Hall, Cree Smets, Dennis Bailey, Thomas Gonzalez, Gerald Brooks, Jeke Jansen, Konnor Sullivan, Milton Diaz, Gall Denis, Nolan Rivera, Rick Kelly, Oscar Walker, Gary Cools, Kemp Long, Malcom Z, Tom Martin, Elton Dumont, Goodwin De Ridder, Benton Vos, Alwyn O'Kelly, Ernest Evans, Fulk Smet, Julian Morales, Nat Wood, Abner Brown, Aloysius Lee, Maurice Sanders, Lanny Gutierrez, Brad Wright, Geoff Moens, Hall Moens, Arthur King, Gore Fontaine, Jeff Perry, Seven Heaven, Bradley Young, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Arnold Harris, Cut Groove, Maximilian Cox, Blake Bakker, Matt Petteney, Fifth Groove, Seventy Moods, Free South Project, Endless Blue, Mark Jamson, 5Th Groove, Square 22, Desert Stone, South Dreams, Chaz Nelson
Jazz Lounge, Vol. 2
Chill Factory, Yves St. Pierre, Caanall Groove, Chill Ars Project, Count Of Montecristo, Cut Groove, Coolgrooves, Den Wood, Edison Morris, Elton Dumont, Endless Blue, Backsoul System, Fluttuance 5, Coffee Time, Blake Bakker, Yamato Ojo, Yives St. Lick, The Contact Project, Art Martin, Atmospherical 45, 5Th Groove, Arnold Harris, Blue Sky, Bradley Young, Fifth Groove
Electronic Winter Garden (50 Amazing Tunes)
Alexius Gabrikov, Winfred Alpha, Alex B, Mont Gomery, RG & J DJ, Breakfast Trim, Monodial, Remond, Blue Castle, DJ Kam, Key Of Dreams Fiftheen, Essence Lovetrip, Planet Sun, Bradley Young, Spherical Eyes, Jesse Jones, Salo Fernandez, Mysterious, K Grooves, The Shadows, Phaser, The Cleaners, Red Sea Grooves, Elton Dumont, AMS, Cut Groove, Den Wood, Diego Ferrari, Jaques Divo, Tim Washington, Barbieri, DGN, Mangusta, Xavier Dextor, Robert Reston, Beat Essence, Magic City, Manolo Crick, Antony Kaiman, Harry Ashton, Gene Axton, Wong Setong, Bamboo Rhythms, Iroshi Toyo, Plastic Soul, Robert Gordon, Deep Native, Jerome Norton, Deep Lewis
Lounge Winter Garden (50 Amazing Tunes)
5Th Groove, Maximilian Cox, Raffika Dionisio, Key Of Dreams Fiftheen, Frank Tornell, Monodial, DJ Kam, Frank Demegni, Alex B, George Macintosh, Paul V, Arnold Harris, Bradley Young, Dave Palmer, Jesse Jones, Free South Project, K Grooves, Liquid Groove, Eldon De Baker, Jaques Divo, The Cleaners, Elton Dumont, Cut Groove, AMS, The Shadows, Modern Lounge Heroes, Deephouse 84, K. Krown, Francesco Sanna, Simon F, Remond, Mont Gomery, Alex Christopher, Phaser, William DJ, Magic Mike, Barbieri, RG & J DJ, The Channel, Coming Again, Studio Chill, Loris Piron, Diego Ferrari, Den Wood, Ultratrip, Sexy M.F., Lounge & Bags, The B Ensemble, Pascal Mancino
This Is My Church, Vol. 2 (The Lounge Edition)
Yives St. Lick, Caanall Groove, Blake Bakker, Edison Morris, Geff Yallow, Endless Blue, Bradley Young, Arnold Harris, Blue Sky, Art Martin, Chill Factory, The Contact Project, Count Of Montecristo, 5Th Groove, Coffee Time, Fifth Groove, Chill Ars Project, Elton Dumont, Den Wood, Cut Groove, Fluttuance 5, Coolgrooves, Backsoul System, Yamato Ojo, Atmospherical 45
A Touch Of Elegance (Soulful Chill Out), Vol. 2
Square 22, Endless Blue, Elton Dumont, Slow Rhythms, Cut Groove, Fluttuance 5, Coolgrooves, Count Of Montecristo, Caanall Groove, Mark Jamson, Chill Ars Project, Coffee Time, Blake Bakker, Matt Petteney, Geff Yallow, Michel Haimann, Grand Magic, Gall Denis, Midtempo Lovers, White Ensemble, Midnight Lovers, Maurice Sanders, Maximilian Cox, Backsoul System
Chillout Bay
5Th Groove, Art Martin, Blue Sky, Count Of Montecristo, Eldon De Baker, Endless Blue, Grand Magic, Mark Jamson, Michel Haimann, Next Project, Slow Motion Cafe, Arnold Harris, Blake Bakker, Matt Petteney, Cut Groove, Elton Dumont, Gall Denis, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Seven Heaven, Maximilian Cox, Jesse Jones, Edison Morris, Bradley Young, Maurice Sanders, Den Wood
Cinnamon Bar Grooves Vol. 4 (20 Magic Spices)
5Th Groove, Moon System, Backsoul System, Essence Lovetrip, Soul Brothers, Montecarlo Hotel Project, London Gate, Edison Morris, Atmospherical 45, Cut Groove, Bennie Cullen, Count Of Montecristo, Jerry Majenza, Alexandre Mark, Lalo Narciso, Keith Goodwin, Red Sea Grooves, Winfred Alpha, Den Wood, Woody Fran
Electronic Ocean (25 Summer Anthems), Vol. 1
Magic Mike, Sunset, Formentera Quartett, Global Lounge, Composition N, Monodial, P. Project, Mark Mars, Lido Ensemble, Beach Lovers, Studio Chill, The Arctic Soda, Sensotango, Cut Groove, Seven Heaven, Backsoul System, Angel Torres, Jack Izzard, Lounge & Bags, Champ 2, Dan Nahany, Sandy Johnson, Groove Hotel, Stefano Milan, Sander Tee
Groovin' Cafè, Vol. 9 (Chill Sounds Travel)
Davide Romani, Lounge System, Dharma, Liquid Groove, DJ Fulvio Marini, Dj Kama, Frank Senior, Ricardo Acossa, Moet Cristal, Nexus, AT Project, Cool Spirit, Honour, Next Project, Novo Som, Matteo Vanetti, Love Lounge, Sand Rhythm, DJ K, Lu Zana, Chill Art, Joseph Brittanny, Russ'O, Itb Sea, Key Of Dreams, Cut Groove, Studio Chill, Genius Two, L Elements
Cool Tracks (Music for Your Soul)
Mabibaland, MD Project, Dibogi, Liquid Groove, Venus, Patrick Bee, Lou Brown, DGN, Bomapi, Bass'O Matik, Kanto, Florida GCSP, Paolo Bonfante, DJ Joseph B, Elektron, Kaleidodream, Lou Love, Moon Fighters, Tribeca Motel, Jazzatron, The Twisters, Tokyo Mood, Eddie Queen, Troy Jones, Groove Of Rome, Cut Groove, Deep Godeeva, Cristin, Max Vee, Jack Groove