Latest Releases
Cinnamon Bar Grooves (40 Lounge Spices), Vol. 2
Santa Eulalia Quintett, Tom Lojo, Liquid Groove, Paul Liner, Maximilian Cox, Jo Floros, Bijou Brigitte, Tiffany's Lounge Bar, Grand Magic, Next Project, Soul Frequency, The Contact Project, Seven Heaven, One Groove, Mr. Moonlights, Suspension 6, Jesse Jones, K Grooves, Maurice Sanders, Jaques Divo, Matt Petteney, Shawn Bowen, Endless Blue, Mark Jamson, Pure Silk, Tanya Perkins, 5Th Groove, Sir Joe, Gavazzi, AMS, Tony Bentley, Playground Warriors, Modern Lounge Heroes, The Shadows, Paolo Ingrosso, Sander Tee, Key Of Dreams, Angel Torres, Sofa Grooves, Frankie Demegni
Superior Lounge, Vol. 2
Magic Mike, RG & J DJ, Milky Bay, Gavazzi, SF Project, Danny Hay, Coming Again, Loris Piron, Matt Sanders, Key Of Dreams, Jesse Jones, Ruggero, Mauri James, K. Krown, Paul V, Itb Sea, DJ Joseph B, Talisa James, Zoey Letcher, Dana Lounge, Kama, Peter Shaw, AMS, Volo, Shadow, The B Team, Deephouse 84, George Macintosh, Chillout Academy, Playground Warriors
Lounge & Cocktails, Vol. 4
Eddy J, Night, Room 100, Jason Sofa, Clayton Claes, Theo Lopez, Jesse Jones, The Lounge Sunset, Franklin Laurent, Amber Wilson, Danny Hay, Gold Lounge, Art Lounge, Junior D, Don Coppens, Leo & Roby Ruini, Deeskoo, Pianogroove, Mr. Gee, Lind Variante, Balinda, Paul Murray, Stefano Lombarda, Cornelius, Unearthly, Frederic Flores, Mark Langarde
Sunny Lounge Vibes, Vol. 2
Chill Forever, Lemongrass, K. Krown, Key Of Dreams, Phonic Ambient, William Jackson, South Soul, Lounge Project, Jesse Jones, Ida Malstroem, Gavazzi, Volo, DJ Joseph B, Itb Sea, Genius Two, Paolo Noferini, Danny Hay, Oscar Walker, Loris Piron, Studio Chill, Bar Behrh, Natalie Harper, Heron Carlier, Zoey Letcher, SF Project, Perry Simmons, Canaall Groove, Stefano Milan, Nicolo' Berton
Lounge & Drinks, Vol. 3
Key Of Dreams, Jesse Jones, Kama, Blue Castle, Ruggero, Pier Green, Olimpo, South Soul, The B Ensemble, Paolo Noferini, D.J.R, Mark Sia, William DJ, LDV Project, DJ Joseph B, Heron Carlier, Zoey Letcher, SF Project, Lounge Project, Perry Simmons, Canaall Groove, Stefano Milan, Ida Malstroem, Gavazzi, Chill Forever, Franklin Laurent, Ted Pinto, Ford Devos, Ambient P.
Moonlight Daiquiri (Beautiful Lounge Cocktails)., Vol. 2
Jesse Jones, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Atmospherical 45, Summergroove, Maurice Sanders, Midtempo Lovers, Ted Trump, James Wilson, Mark Jamson, Slow Rhythms, Grand Magic, Edison Morris, Tony Bentley, Seventy Moods, Total System, White Ensemble, Eldon De Baker, Michel Haimann, Angel Torres, Square 22, K Grooves, Jazzadeep, Matt Petteney, Jaques Divo, Liquid Groove, Peter Stone, Midnight Lovers, Free South Project, Gall Denis, The Contact Project, Maximilian Cox, Next Project, Sofa Grooves, Slow Motion Cafe, Victor Vee, Lady Lounge, Backroom Barn, Mediterranean Soul, Adrienne Gowan, Jack Izzard, Seven Heaven, Red Sea Grooves, Pianistic Lounge, Tony Roya, Exotic Liar, Zip Love, Sander Tee, Mr. Moonlight, Port Grimaud Lovers
Our Island (The Sunset Edition), Vol. 3
Lenny Mac Dowell, Endless Blue, Continental Jazz Ensemble, Gabor Deutsch, Kasa Juli, K Grooves, Pat Appleton, Manyus Joan Eta, Yves St. Pierre, Maximilian Cox, Latin Bossa Connection, Den Gordy, Markus Lotus, Yves Semain, Xemplify, Van, Man In A Room, Sara Azriel, Phantasia Motel, Caanall Groove, Jazzamor, Atmospherical 45, Michel Haimann, Lorenz Freddy, Jen, Chin Chillaz, Edison Morris, Coolgrooves, Art Martin, 5Th Groove, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Slow Rhythms, Gall Denis, James Butler, The Contact Project, Ethos Senko, Yives St. Lick, Bradley Young, Ryan Wendell, Count Of Montecristo, Alexandre Mark, Gina Lolla, Chill Factory, Fifth Groove, Den Wood, Midtempo Lovers, Jesse Jones, Grand Magic, White Ensemble, Jaques Divo, Planet Sun, Ted Trump, Chill Ars Project, Maurice Sanders
Love of My Life (Lounge Sweethearts), Vol. 4
Montecarlo Hotel Project, Jesse Jones, White Ensemble, Alyssa Lee, Maurice Sanders, Cecil Williams, Dave Palmer, Stacey Keys, Mark Jamson, Grand Magic, Monday Elation, Seventy Moods, Total System, Alexander Brown, Ralf Harris, Paul Arthur King, Danny Hay, Grace De Matteo, Jason Lewis, Michel Haimann, Jason Chambers, Ricardo Hatcher, Nicolette Cross, Bart Walsh, Cody Serra, Shawn Bowen, The Arctic Soda, Myles Phillips, Oblique Style, Raymond Peters
All You Can Listen (100 Chillout Tracks, Long Playing Edition)
Ibeeza Grooves, Dee Drop, Bank Of Soul, Suol Lake, Las Vegas Grooves, The Ghetto Project, Rainbow Beats, Moon Moods, Solarian, Chill Boys, Chill Groovers, Shin 22, Chill Elements, Cloud Dreams, Chill Moover, Big Chill, Black Mood, Frankie Borrel, Green Soul, Sunrise Motel Ensemble, Vip Pass, Waldo Munoz, Thomas Gonzalez, Alvar Davis, Booker O'Neill, Eddy Cook, Craig Carter, Zach Fernandez, Carl Kennedy, Otis King, Felix Richardson, Lockie Rogers, Omega Oliveira, Maximillian Cox, Vin Laine, Ralf Harris, Sheldon Correira, Bastian Clark, Dennis Bailey, Flip Segers, Chaz Nelson, Cree Smets, Mitchell Collins, Gil Ward, Davin Van Damme, Ducan Janssen, Lex Barnes, Holden Butler, Stewart Ferreira, Gall Denis, Will Romero, Kemp Long, Rick Kelly, Malcom Z, Alden Martinez, Dave Dupont, August Van Der Meer, Oscar Walker, Anthony Smit, Elton Dumont, Ernest Evans, Fulk Smet, Alwyn O'Kelly, Bradley Young, Jarome Adam, Darius Dubois, Eliot Reed, Deon Simon, Zak Niemi, Barney Visser, Maurice Sanders, Arthur King, Gore Fontaine, Jacob Powell, Jamey Foster, Hall Moens, Jesse Jones, O&P, Austen Doyle, Adrian Johnson, Cairo Aerts, Mister Misterious, Interior Beats, Ther Contact Project, Makina Jane, Pure Silk, Cosmique Beats, One Groove, Kamill Le Jarvin, Sonoric Academy, Suspension 6, Dominique Falk, Midnight Lovers, Jonic Elements, London Gate, The Blue Sofa, Fifth Groove
Sunset People, Vol. 2 (The Lounge Edition)
Atmospherical 45, Peter Stone, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Jesse Jones, Maurice Sanders, Stacey Keys, Mark Jamson, Michel Haimann, Grand Magic, Edison Morris, Seventy Moods, James Wilson, Total System, White Ensemble, Eldon De Baker, Summergroove, Midtempo Lovers, K Grooves, Slow Rhythms, Square 22, Matt Petteney, Jaques Divo, Life On Neptune, Tarl Trump, Liquid Groove, Midnight Lovers, Port Grimaud Lovers, Free South Project, Gall Denis, The Contact Project, Maximilian Cox, Sofa Grooves, Tony Bentley, SevenHeaven, Jazzadeep, Victor Vee, Lady Lounge, Backroom Barn, Angel Torres, Pianistic Lounge, Adrienne Gowan, Tony Roya, Jack Izzard, Zip Love, Sander Tee, Mr. Moonlight, Red Sea Grooves, Exotic Liar, Ted Trump, Slow Motion Cafe
Balearic Lounge Cookies, Vol. 1
Raffika Dionisio, Balearic Lounge Orchestra, Slow Rhythms, DJ Kam, The Beach Project, Lounge System, Deco', Double MM, Total System, No Mood, Jesse Jones, Jaques Divo, Blake Bakker, Chill Factory, Lu & Zana, K Grooves, Grand Magic, Michel Haimann, Den Wood, Daryl Bell, Stenwood Age, Chill & Love, Blake Quinn, Groove Hotel, Simon Cini
Cinderella, Vol. 2 (50 Lovely Lounge Cookies)
Alien Cafe, Yves St. Pierre, Flashbaxx, James Butler, One Groove Ensemble, Ethos Senko, Florito, Roberto Sol, Sandra, Pat Appleton, Bassogroove Project, Yives St. Lick, Christos Fourkis, Bradley Young, Miyabi, Worldbeat, Ryan Wendell, Martin Volk, Jazzamor, Backsoul System, Edison Morris, Atmospherical 45, Jen, Chin Chillaz, Lalo Narciso, Count Of Montecristo, Blake Bakker, Man In A Room, Sara Azriel, Kolby Wade, Freak Owls, Alexandre Mark, Gina Lolla, Geff Yallow, K Grooves, Blue Sky, Latin Bossa Connection, Stacey Keys, Chill Factory, Rudolph Dominique, Fifth Groove, Coffee Time, Chill Ars Project, Mediterranean Soul, Den Wood, Fluttuance 5, Jesse Jones, The Contact Project, Grand Magic, Seventy Moods, White Ensemble, Sofa Grooves, Midtempo Lovers, Square 22, Jaques Divo, Midnight Lovers, Planet Sun
Aperitif Lounge (New York Sunset Edition)
The Oceanic Duo, The Docks, Loris Piron, Avenue 8, Maximum Lounge, Studio Chill, Diego Ferrari, South Soul, Simon Cini, Lounge Lovers, 5Th Groove, The Blue Rose, Raffika Dionisio, Ale B, Coming Again, The Z Man, L Mind, Genius Two, Fausti, Mauri J, Simon Ciny, Dan Haany, L.O.S.I, Cotton Lovers, DOC, Itb Sea, Magic Mike, The Russo Groove, North Town, Olimpo, Monsieur Lechat, Montecarlo Dream, Look Right, RD Project, PP Tone, The Sunset Team, The Red Lounge, Ruggero DJ, Ta Yar, P Project, S Car, DJ Origami, The X Lounge, Den Gordy, Blake Jerold, Lalo Narciso, Bennie Cullen, Louis Camberra, Chaz Nelson, Winfred Alpha, Ryan Wendell, Woody Fran, Ther Contact Project, Suspension 6, Makina Jane, Cosmique Beats, Soullife, Interior Beats, Petite Boutique, Titus Koibra, Twin Lovers, Jonic Elements, The Blue Sofa, Spherical Eyes, Dominique Falk, Victor Quantum, Don Solaris, Markus Hillfinstein, Ronny Starr, Alexius Gabrikov, Soul Brothers, Natural Factor, Nakiro Namoto, Port Grimaud Project, Jerry Majenza, Cosmique Beat Ensemble, Tom Lojo, Larry Gee, Gt 55, Soul Frequency, Takashi Yomu, Ron Sander, Planet Sun, Red Sea Grooves, Moon System, Edison Morris, Maximilian Cox, Seven Heaven, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Blake Bakker, Arnold Harris, Cut Groove, Elton Dumont, Jesse Jones
Happy People, Vol. 2 (25 Sunset Cookies)
Jesse Jones, Maurice Sanders, Midtempo Lovers, Seventy Moods, Mark Jamson, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Summergroove, Grand Magic, Pianistic Lounge, Michel Haimann, Total System, Jack Izzard, White Ensemble, Adrienne Gowan, Tony Roya, Zip Love, Sander Tee, Mr. Moonlight, Port Grimaud Lovers, Ted Trump, Slow Motion Cafe, Exotic Liar, Tony Bentley, Red Sea Grooves, Life On Neptune
Grand Chillout Vibrations (100 Tracks Special Edition)
Chad Peeters, Alf Visser, Eddy Cook, Fabian Cox, Don Coppens, Dylan Dumont, Aaron Smith, Adolph Peters, Curt Campbell, Davey Evans, Cordell Sanchez, Mister Misterious, Interior Beats, Ther Contact Project, Pure Silk, One Groove, Kamill Le Jarvin, Sonoric Academy, Makina Jane, Suspension 6, Cosmique Beats, Dominique Falk, Midnight Lovers, Jonic Elements, London Gate, The Blue Sofa, Blue Castle, Twin Lovers, Alexandre Mark, Paul Liner, Soullife, Markus Hillfinstein, Victor Quantum, Port Grimaud Project, Don Solaris, Jerry Majenza, Roca Rubia, Mr. Moonlights, Soul Fire Ensemble, Salo Fernandez, Spherical Eyes, Gt 55, Moon System, Soul Frequency, Nakiro Namoto, Titus Koibra, Soul Brothers, Flora Hax, Ronny Starr, Petite Boutique, Alexius Gabrikov, Edison Morris, Tom Lojo, Larry Gee, Red Sea Grooves, Takashi Yomu, Ron Sander, Natural Factor, Cosmique Beat Ensemble, Secret Elements, Planet Sun, Grand Magic, Count Of Montecristo, Next Project, Eldon De Baker, Michel Haimann, Maurice Sanders, Slow Motion Cafe, Blue Sky, Jesse Jones, Den Wood, Square 22, Backsoul System, Free South Project, Art Martin, Seventy Moods, Endless Blue, Mark Jamson, 5Th Groove, Midtempo Lovers, Fifth Groove, Liquid Groove, White Ensemble, Chill Ars Project, Chill Factory, Total System, Jaques Divo, Atmospherical 45, Coffee Time, Beach Republic, Geff Yallow, The Contact Project, Mediterranean Soul, Coolgrooves, Slow Rhythms, Caanall Groove, Fluttuance 5
Sunset, Vol. 2
Elton Dumont, Acqua Panna, Brandon Love, Tiny Thomas, Steven Pearce, Miles Rodgers, Stefano Favelli, Jesse Jones, Emilie Garcia, Danny Hay, Ted Pinto, Pianistic Lounge, Tony Roya, Mediterranean Soul, Continental Jazz Ensemble, Bassogroove Project, Theo Lopez, Rudolph Dominique, Phantasia Motel, Yves Semain, The Contact Project, Blue Sky, Chill Ars Project, Chill Factory, Jack Funk
Electronic Winter Garden (50 Amazing Tunes)
Alexius Gabrikov, Winfred Alpha, Alex B, Mont Gomery, RG & J DJ, Breakfast Trim, Monodial, Remond, Blue Castle, DJ Kam, Key Of Dreams Fiftheen, Essence Lovetrip, Planet Sun, Bradley Young, Spherical Eyes, Jesse Jones, Salo Fernandez, Mysterious, K Grooves, The Shadows, Phaser, The Cleaners, Red Sea Grooves, Elton Dumont, AMS, Cut Groove, Den Wood, Diego Ferrari, Jaques Divo, Tim Washington, Barbieri, DGN, Mangusta, Xavier Dextor, Robert Reston, Beat Essence, Magic City, Manolo Crick, Antony Kaiman, Harry Ashton, Gene Axton, Wong Setong, Bamboo Rhythms, Iroshi Toyo, Plastic Soul, Robert Gordon, Deep Native, Jerome Norton, Deep Lewis
Lounge Winter Garden (50 Amazing Tunes)
5Th Groove, Maximilian Cox, Raffika Dionisio, Key Of Dreams Fiftheen, Frank Tornell, Monodial, DJ Kam, Frank Demegni, Alex B, George Macintosh, Paul V, Arnold Harris, Bradley Young, Dave Palmer, Jesse Jones, Free South Project, K Grooves, Liquid Groove, Eldon De Baker, Jaques Divo, The Cleaners, Elton Dumont, Cut Groove, AMS, The Shadows, Modern Lounge Heroes, Deephouse 84, K. Krown, Francesco Sanna, Simon F, Remond, Mont Gomery, Alex Christopher, Phaser, William DJ, Magic Mike, Barbieri, RG & J DJ, The Channel, Coming Again, Studio Chill, Loris Piron, Diego Ferrari, Den Wood, Ultratrip, Sexy M.F., Lounge & Bags, The B Ensemble, Pascal Mancino
Electronic Ocean (25 Summer Anthems), Vol. 4
Slow Rhythms, Remond, Maurice Sanders, Jesse Jones, Ida Malstroem, Sofa Grooves, Free South Project, Blake Bakker, Jaques Divo, The Shadows, Simon F, Elton Dumont, Atmospherical 45, Mediterranean Soul, Balearic Lounge Orchestra, L.A.F. Project, B Shop Groove, Mont Hanary, Arnold Harris, Blue Sky, Bradley Young, Coffee Time, Green Lounge, Ultratrip
Chillout Bay
5Th Groove, Art Martin, Blue Sky, Count Of Montecristo, Eldon De Baker, Endless Blue, Grand Magic, Mark Jamson, Michel Haimann, Next Project, Slow Motion Cafe, Arnold Harris, Blake Bakker, Matt Petteney, Cut Groove, Elton Dumont, Gall Denis, Montecarlo Hotel Project, Seven Heaven, Maximilian Cox, Jesse Jones, Edison Morris, Bradley Young, Maurice Sanders, Den Wood
Honey Sunset, Vol. 2 (25 Lounge Tunes Deluxe)
R.D Project, Angel Torres, Grace Rhythm, Andrew Varola, Chill Seasons, Mediterranean Soul, Eddy J, Art Lounge, Duane Alpert, Tom Martin, Lazy Evans, Shawn McNamara, Dean Wright, Shawn Bowen, Mossignor, Elton Dumont, Jesse Jones, Look Right, Pier Green, Andrew Hoogan, Deeskoo & Pianogroove, Yanni Gee, Exotic Liar, Sander Tee, Danny Hay
The Orange Sunset Lounge (30 Ibiza Sundowners)
Danny Hay, Blue Sofa, Julian Morales, Jesse Jones, Blake Quinn, Amber Wilson, John Dahlback, Benton Vos, Jep Pieters, Brad Lee, Chill Out Hotel, Bob De Wit, Carl Kennedy, Jason Lewis, Dean Wright, Taylor Young, Theo Lopez, Alec Gonzalez, Steven Bakker, Billy Anderson, Anthony Smith, Arnold Harris, Bart Walsh, Austen Doyle, Paul Murray, Steven Lynch, Jose Vazquez, Barney Green, Brad Moore, Jonathan Smith
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