His career started in June 2016. He play House Music. He use techniques that make full use of the functions of the equipment, establish an identity in a style that is not bound by common sense. He has expanded the range of activities at his own Resident Party by inviting artists as well as supporting acts of many overseas artists. Plays that can only be seen in Addiy's play will create a sense of stability and new values. In 2018, he won the highest award in the DJ category at the audition of S2O JAPAN, the first festival held in Japan. He acquired the right to appear in the opening act. In 2021, he released his first song "Everybody" and made his debut as a producer. We will continue to
Latest Releases
Daniel Kazuo, Zamky, Handek, CARDINALI, Ferrer, W-END, Anna De Ferran, DROPDEXX, Ironic Project, JötaKaa, Jeff Sá, Addiy, B2SOUL, Body Shot, Chroma (AU), Gueds, Rabelo Inc, Heartless House, HL, Holly (ARG), Jhonatan Moraes, K. Iago, Li Garcia, Nicolas Guerreño, RASTAHOUSE, Robby BR, ROVUXX (BR), Theo Aguilera, Wermoont, HwX, Yanga (AR), Balta, Diego Carba, Diskreet, YOHAN (BR), Groovibe, BNN WKND, Castelani, Black Poodle Music, JG (BR), DJ Coci, Will Medina, Shakas Way, Domingues (BR), Oliva Be, Jale, Criis Fodera, G-Spec, Facunh, DANNI TESLA, Vini Mawd
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