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fabric presents Overmono
Overmono, Artwork, Foremost Poets, Milanese, Antonio, DJ Zank, Surgeon, James Ruskin, Holy Ghost, L.B. Dub Corp, Benjamin Zephaniah, Plastikman, For Those I Love, DJ Misjah, Powder, LCY, Vex'd, Robert Fleck, Anz, Actress, Remarc, Equiknoxx, Ed Rush, Optical, Orca, Smith & Mighty, Blawan, Roy of the Ravers, Sockethead, 1995 Epilepsy
fabric presents Overmono
Overmono, Artwork, Foremost Poets, Milanese, Antonio, DJ Zank, Surgeon, James Ruskin, Holy Ghost, L.B. Dub Corp, Benjamin Zephaniah, Plastikman, For Those I Love, DJ Misjah, Powder, LCY, Vex'd, Robert Fleck, Anz, Actress, Remarc, Equiknoxx, Ed Rush, Optical, Orca, Smith & Mighty, Blawan, Roy of the Ravers, Sockethead, 1995 Epilepsy
?20 (20 Years of Planet Mu)
Kuedo, µ-Ziq, Herva, Jlin & Fawkes, Remarc, Silk Road Assassins, DJ Diamond, Oriol, Anti-G, Machinedrum, Ital, John T. Gast, Mr. Mitch, Swindle, Ekoplekz, Milanese, Claude Speeed, Luke Vibert, Rp Boo, John Wizards, Traxman, Miracle, Ital Tek, Polysick, FaltyDL, Gemmy, Boxcutter, Heterotic, Venetian Snares, DJ Nate, ?-Ziq, Vex'd, Konx-om-Pax
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