Latest Releases
Hardstyle Anniversary XXX (33 Final Anthems Infected With Jumpstyle)
Massimiliano, To-2-Bi, Danny Williamson, T-Tone, Brucio, Erikastyle, Noisecrasherz, The White Noises, Mike NRG, Mindcrusherz, Attention Seekers, Busho, Imperia, Acti, Hardmaster, Verdyboy, Rocket Base, Mike Oh Man, Stylez, Tonteufel, Dark Sector, G-zack, Enigmato pres. Acid Bunny, TheReaper, Hysterie, Loud Noize, The Music Makers, Virus Inc, Zazu, Chop Shop, Danny Junior Crash, Mada, Cosmic Culture, Montorsi, Antolini, DLM, Freaky Bass, DJ D-Light, Subkilla
Soldiers of Hardcore, Vol.2 (Infected With Hardstyle)
Semtex, Alarma Ravers, KCMA, Corrupted Minds, Formek, D.O.M., Dualcore, Pirate Mind, Evilgate, Syrinx, Experimental Chemistry, Maza, Walter One, F.Noize, Kirlian, The Twins Artcore, X-Fly, Mike NRG, Acid Bunny, Enigmato, Mindcrusherz, Rocket Base, Dark Sector, TheReaper, DJ Frenetic, G-zack, Hysterie
Soldiers of Hardcore, Vol. 1 (Infected with Hardstyle)
Syrinx, Evilgate, Experimental Chemistry, Maza, SD Rayden, Corrupted Minds, Phitrax, Braincrash, Audiokillers, Semtex, Kirlian, Alarma Ravers, D.O.M., Pirate Mind, Hybridonhard, KCMA, The Twins Artcore, Dualcore, TheReaper, Active Noize, Mike Oh Man, Stylez, Tonteufel, Dark Sector, Marco Van der Vat, Mindcrusherz, Acid Bunny, Enigmato, Mike NRG, Virus Inc
Holi Hardstyle 2015 (The Colours of Hard & Jumpstyle)
DJ Icaro, Supervizors, Martin NRG, Cosmic Culture, DJ Mastersound, Dj Brain Damage, Virus Inc., Double F-ect, Attention Seekers, Monkey Biznizz, The Answer, Mike NRG, Enigmato, Hysterie, Archetypez, Hardmaster, Mindcrusherz, Chop Shop, Mike Oh Man, Stylez, Tonteufel, Rocket Base, Moriks, Krowdexx, Dark Sector, TheReaper, DJ D-Light, Francesco Dreamer, Lory P, Josh, Lareau, Antemz, Double C, D10
Phuture Dance & Trance, Vol. 3 (Future Trance Mission Anthems)
The Perez Brothers, DJ Pm, SystemXXtreme, Green Court, Wavetraxx, Nation Grooves, Denga, Manus, Sakin Bozkurt, Subject Delta, Dark Sector, Ramona Fottner, G-zack, TheReaper, Flutlicht, Reverb, DJ Natron, DJ Shog, Icebreaker, DJ Sakin, Human Force, DJ Frenetic, Andy Hawk, Gomi, Kindbud, Calabria, Stereoliner, Dr. Dacota, Brittany Campbell, Active Noize, Rob Estell