David, better known in Vigo as David Flashback, begins his musical career in 1993 as a resident in Oxido, one of the most important Techno club in Galicia.In 1997 left his residence in Oxido and begins to be revealed at different clubs throughout the province of Pontevedra, Galicia and north of Portugal. In 1999 he opened "Flashback", the store dedicated to selling clothes and records, now closed. In early 2001 began working on Banus, a Club, which at that time was in Ponteareas and then transferred to Porriño. It is at this club where David begins to reveal its potential as a resident, a good connection with the public and good technique, you are taken to be one of the most in-demand DJs of the moment in Galicia.Opera, a new
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Autumn Beats
Darkrow, Okabi, Martin Lacroix, Giuseppe Rizzuto, Alessandro Grops, Don Santiago, David Crastt, Drexler, Gianni Firmaio, Luktek, Daniele Donati, Enrico Caruso, Ricardo Espino, Tomas Millan, Mario Del Regno, Diego Martinez, Marc Lopez, Ragin, Dorr, Juan Santacruz, Konstantin_k, Acki, Larry J, Luca Margarita, Saul Antolin, Larsen Factory, Nodek, Beny Ramirez, Tawata