T he Grand-Pappio of Western Canada’s house and breaksscene, Spilt Milk has been liquefying minds and demolishindancefloors since many of us were a glimmer in our mama’seyes. His turntable wizardry and warbly weirdness werespawned in Edmonton’s early 90’s underground, infectingearholes all over the city via Edmonton’s favorite radio show“Catch the Beat” on CJSR. Spilt Milk quickly became amainstay in the Western Canada rave scene, throwingraucous parties, promoting his regular club nights, andcontinually producing mixtapes that eager fans still treasuretoday.Now part of the Homebreakin Records crew in Vancouver,Spilt Milk looks to have an exciting summer with sets atBasscoast and Shambhala festivals. T he milk spills inVancouver at these 'cereal events' - Body Language, FuckenAwesome, Bass Sick Productions, and Siesta Boat cruises.Release wise: look for Spiltmilk's remix of Angel Funke'sDisco Nights, released