Hello everyone!My name is Nicolas Sara, I’m a Producer/DJ from Buenos Aires, Argentina.Everyday routine; producing 24/7 to improve my mixes, absorbing any type of sound instead of relying on a particular one!Vinyl lover, melancholic, sometimes depressive are a few characteristics that describe myself.My main influences come from Rock (although I ́m a Techno/House producer), but when speaking of electronic music I ́ll have to say that my favorites producers at the moment are: Jamie Jones, Metodi Hristov, Cuartero and Volkoder.I was 13 years old when I discovered Techno; Dusty Kid ́s Techno to be honest.I instantly surrendered to that dark, mysterious, deep sound and till now, I can ́t get it out of my head.I ́ve learned everything that I know thanks to Martino Stefano, my teacher.At the moment I’m