Finesse curated with love. Unrooted from ECLECTIC, WICKED and FLANGY outer space frequencies. From an early age, discovering the real purpose behind the music. With much Love.
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2 Years Anniversary
Konrad Dycke, Da.TO, Tape Maschine, Laydee V, Fuzoku, Loschen, Loris Brega, Matt Keyl, Kevin Navarro, Mark Inna, Adrian Rivero, Hector Moran, Kimchi, Oxy Beat, Sophian, Sherr, Jonathan Smart, Fendler, Buben, Brem & Qubick, Rossano De Luxe, Drum Planet, Lloyd Trimmer, Simone Trotti, Lloydknights., Nodek, Denis Grapes, Venntaur, DJ Noldar, Unknown Identity, Deep Technicians
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