Melina Quiroz, also known as Meline, is a prominent Argentine DJ and electronic music producer. Based in Buenos Aires, she has left her mark on the local scene and her productions have already been released by international labels. She has also starred in renowned clubs such as Crobar and La Biblioteca, where she has shared the stage with some of the biggest names in the electronic music scene. Her unique style fuses progressive house, and she is recognized for her ability to create an exciting atmosphere on the dance floor. With exceptional mixing techniques and a distinctive style, Meline is positioned as one of the most promising artists in Argentine electronic music.
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The Best of 2024
Aroma (IND), Abaze, Paul Arcane, Selli Martin, St.Ego, Brian David, SHRI (IND), Ruben Karapetyan, Mariusso, Nikko Mavridis, RIGOONI, ZAHNA, RODRI_GO, Edu Schwartz, Gol'man, Ismaehl, Thomas Hernan, Brann (AR), Breno Mos, Masedonico, Wawda & Mulo, Andre Moret, Allan McLoud, Tojogo, Matias Lurueña, Meline
The Best of 2024
Nico Villegas, Redemption Sound, Ignacio Salgado, Emcroy, DEEPSTELL, Julian Sanza, Lafrench Toast, Agvstina, Bingo Fuel, Agu Crespo, Giuliano Capellini, Ignacio Hernández, PIMI, Mike Grey, Chona (AR), Imagine Souls, Adán Vulcano, Emanuel Miranda, Rovi (AR), Mariano Malvica, BORDA, Flex (AR), JP Mäyeur, Rafaella Sangalli, Lucas Pietra, Lore Iturralde, LZ3, Luciano Pelliza, SALAZAR (COL), Gary Fulgueiras, Bruno Parasole, Lucas Monchi, Pangacius, Luis Santoro, Emegepe, Rob Hilgen, Zaleski, Thedtry, Meline
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