Lisa Maroni

Lisa Maroni's story has its roots in a ground that is a blend of sound, language, music and literature. She has a BA in Foreign Literatures and Languages ( Brazilian and Anglo-American) and a CELPE - Bras ( Certificate of Proficiency in Brazilian Portuguese ). Maroni studied Jazz singing and Improvisation Techniques at the Accademia Nazionale del Jazz in Siena with Fabrizia Barresi . Other artists helped her studying and approaching jazz, some of them are: Lisa Thorson, Bobby Watson, the amazing Maria Pia De Vito, Bruno Erminero, Cristina Emboaba and Tiziana Ghiglioni.She defines herself a jazzy trained vocalist, but musically, vocally and existentially “in search”.Five years ago, this research took her to Brasil and filled her heart and voice with gratitude: from the favela Santa Marta in Rio to

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