John Lamp is 42 years old and he is based in Germany near Stuttgart. Hes started making music in the late 90 ́s. He is working on his music in a very unique and experimental way, so the result is a high quality mix of many genres and electronic music directions that is still interessting and sound very well FIting overdimensioned Partys and open air Festivals. Check it out! Play it loud!
Latest Releases
After Hours Germany
Sodara (CH), 1Clang, Stephan Ho, Small Valcuvia Choirs, Levent Er, Ayhan Guneysu, Ilhan Gumus, Niren-G, Simplex Sensus, Modulest, Hasan Ayvali, Tec77, Molekularer Motor, Sphinkter, Najwars, Sashtek, KBeat, Spaxx Project, Retrosynco, Z Musto, Rocketpunk, Sigother, Tenaj, FckngNoise, Aquinaee, Mark Steven, Atreyax, Adrijana, JVBB, ORBIA, John Lamp
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