Dimensional Domination, Space Plague, Holographic Universe, The Invasion, The Monolith, Contact, Collision Course......by now you must be very much aware of the deeply prophetic, encoded messages being beamed from the Captain Panic mother- ship! Futurist Electronica, Captain Panic's roots are clear and shine through precise production, layered sound design, and signature cinematic soundscapes that travel well beyond the EDM boundaries, deep into the realms of Sci-Fi, gaming, big screen galactic action sequences, and heart touching moments of deep, cosmic reflection. (for real now...that goes without saying ;) You can't categorize the unclassified scope of the C.P. dynamic, there are no boundaries here, it doesn't conform to the industry rules or trends. The Captain Panic point of view is as unique as they come, a star shining bright on the outskirts