Anagram of "RENON" his real family name, and synonymous with its region of origin to which it is attached RONN3 is an electro/house music producer, Tech/house, Progressive House for over 10 years. According to the mixes and the meetings, RONN3 obtains dates in Club on Lyon, St-Etienne, Villefranche sur Saône while passing even by Switzerland thanks to the French DJ Ralph. He plays alongside renowned DJs such as Julien Créance, Nico Reno, Fred Pellichero, Marbrax, DJ Ralph... After a few years, the DJ decided to start producing, first of all, he started by remixing a few titles, and then he produced his own sounds under several different nicknames. April 2012, RONN3 decided to create his label "Elyontro Records" and released his very first single "Pet Ersson - Made In Lyon" on all platforms such as Deezer, Spotify, Itunes... Over