Rexter is a DJ and producer who stands out for his unique soundmaking with a wide variety of deep musicality. He has been DJing in various clubs for many years with his unique good impression and energetic stage.
Latest Releases
Audio Pleasure Vol.4 (Radio Edits)
Climatic Fire, Darragh Burke, Hadrianicus, Electro Hunk, Aftermorning Productions, Fixd, ReXter, ISSA, Dave Love, Sanglare, Matt Laws, Lost Angel, Pand@monium, Van Venrooij, Bee Buzz, Ultrablue, Terra Tuttle, Flow Zen, Schiffy, Matt Saunders, Evgueny Jevaguine, No Stress Djs, Salmon-Dj, WinTeR MooN, Thoughtography, Evix, Jjoo, Progressers, Ryan Raeside, Transport, Drunken Munkey, Souhail Semlali, Valdas Sakalauskas, Steve Dekler, Tynenik Alex, Sixfold, Justin Prasad, Blue5even, Dee-Lite, Snake Poursten
Audio Pleasure Vol.1 (Radio Edits)
Climatic Fire, Aureal, Sanglare, Dave Love, Dextrose, Electro Hunk, Aftermorning Productions, Magnosis, Progressers, ISSA, Fery Jasefoss, Dave Love Presents Anna Nailz, Jess Morgan, Asterside, Drunkology, ReXter, Frank Modesto, Van Venrooij, Hadrianicus, Jedmar, A.L.A.M.I, Lost Angel, The Nightraiders, Matt Laws, Creepers Gonna Creep, Squarz Kamel, Darragh Burke, MusicDefinesGravity, Souhail Semlali, Fixd, Ultrablue, Terra Tuttle, Undrscr, Evgueny Jevaguine, Salmon-Dj, Omar Essa, Paul Gallagher, Matt Saunders, Lehto, Tim Holmes Dawe, Sebastian Montano, Adelaide Carleton, Arclight (NZL)