LuckygeeniusReal name "Gontse Masilo"Musician from Pretoria Soshanguve in South Africa producingany style of music from Soulful, Afro pop, house, RnB, Neo soul,lounge Music to Hip hop and Jazz.With instruments including voice and keyboards. Luckygeenius startedhis music career in2012 as a house music producer and has never looked back since. He has grown so much out of many local and international influences rangingfrom the likes of Jimmy Dludlu to Robert Glasper.In 2016 Luckygeenius founded a band under the name 'Point of Correction' to write different forms of music that he released under the 'Luckygeenius' Pseudonym. Some of his releases (online)are, to name a few, You Keep Coming ( an EP under Luckygeenius), Intelligence (album under Luckygeenius), The Music Never Found (an album under POC) and countless other releases.Many of his fans