Francisco Serra, is a producer and Argentine DJ, born in Cordoba. His musical beginnings begin at 8 years old, with piano. His musical tastes evolved according to the culture of his city of residence. His productions look for powerful bass with variable and abstract melodies. Their mixes look for progressively when it comes to a Dj Set. Booking contact: fraserra10@gmail.com
Latest Releases
BC2 Winter 2020
Menkee, Fran Serra, Marco Bedini, Alvian, Connor Mac, M3SIA, L Georges, Sergio Avila, Anton Borin (RU), Nerve Epix, Tomic, Dublew, Ultraverse, Dimel De Silva, Hegrustin, Chris Sterio, Downgrooves, P U L S A R, ARALÉZ, Graviton, Smyk, Darren Bray, DRIFTINIC, Plu-Ton, Disto (SL), ALPHA21, John Noizz, Indigo Man, Waxman (CA)
Best of 3rd Avenue | Summer 2020
Eric Lune, G.O.D.A., B.A.X., Esteban Liebig, Tav Bord, Mauro Masi, Bynomic, Pedro Capelossi, Cedren & Manu-l, La Vue, Alberto Hernandez (MX), Owen Ear, Nacho Pascual, Greg Tomaz, Blue Cell, Jeff Eveline, J.P. Velardi, NAHS, Enigmatic, Felipe Gonzalez (AR), Vandelor, Damian Cruga, Newcorp, Marcos Dermi, Max Averbach, Waxman (CA), Science & Reason, Dany Dz, Bautista Toniolo, Fran Serra