Dan Perry (aka Danny p)Has been involved in music from a very you age,havingjoined the Sylvia Young theatre School at the age of 8 andappearing in such things as Les Miserables,Oliver,JesusChrist superstar in the west end of London, and working onfilms with the likes of Michael Caine in Jeykl and Hyde.But it was always the music and playing it that was his firstlove,and started Djing at school to his friends,this led tobookings,and his first residence at the (Chilled eskimo andNotting Hill Carnival) which this year enters a 18 yearresidence where he is now joined by Brandon Block andmany other great dj’sHis current residence is at Gilgamesh in Camden which hehas held for four years and helped build the saturday nightinto one of the biggest nights in London..And having had residence