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Slammin' Hard Dance, Vol. 08
Simon Williams, Ben Stevens, Adam Butler, Brysi, Grapey, Techni-KL, Tommy Naboo, Leeroy, G.W.R., Inner City Sumo, Matt Clarkson, Pete Maxwell, Filterfreakz, Dan Dyson, Heppy, GlennRoy, James Gibson, James Dub, Fabio Seramota, Jolene, Varo MK, Hxllkid, Sparkos, Shugstylerz, Punkstylez, Legion, NuroGL, Patterson, OBSIDIAN Project, Ganar
Fireball Recordings: Stream Collection, Vol. 10
Amber D, Ben Stevens, UK Gold, Paul Maddox, Adam M, Andy Farley, Karl Davis, Cally Gage, Manik, Michael Smith, Jimmy Dean, Nik Denton, Gaz Gibson, Future Resonance, Ross Homson, WMD, Dixie, Riggsy, Lefty, Frank Farrell, Alvez, Dynamic Intervention, Dan Andres, Dan Dyson, Ben Townsend, Em-Extreme, Tim Clewz, Hilz'E, Tekneak
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