Mr.Henky alias Tristan Hagelbeck is a passionate Producer and Musicanfrom Thüringen/Germany.He Life's the Electronic Music since 13 Yearsand the love to the Music dont Stop.And until now,realeases on :Minimal People , Scrambled Rec. , Gastspiel Rec. , Tretmuehle ,Reiz Musik , Budenzauber , Momentum League , Drogafina Rec. ,Minimalgestöber Rec. , Quanticman ....
Latest Releases
Christmas Gift Vol 2
Davide Cali, Max Guerrero, Gabeen, Francesco Passantino, Dario Troisi, Raul Sabaris, Eddy Ford, Armando Biz, Alessandro Ciuti, Johnny Device, Tristan Hagelbeck, Alex Jaramillo, Ercos Blanka, Alex Rampol, Mr Henky, Enzo Tucci, Angelo Montesu, Paultronik, Vito Orofino, Roberto Piscitelli, Astronaughty, Angelo DL, Mag DJ, Andres Guerra, Patrick De Ville, T69